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F-17A 'Flankercat'

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With the running down of the US Navy’s F-14 Tomcat fleet in the early 2000’s, a proposal was put forward by ex-Grumman VP of Advanced Programs and Chief Engineer on the F-14, Robert W. Kress and retired USN fighter pilot Adm. Paul Gilchrist suggesting that the Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker might make a good replacement.

Following negotiations with the Russian government, Rosboronexport and the Sukhoi design bureau, a licence was granted for the tandem two-seat Su-30 to be built at Grumman’s Bethpage facility in New York.

The baseline Flanker was ‘Amercanized’ - with the Russian AL-31F engine being replaced by the Pratt & Whitney F-119 turbofan, conferring increased thrust and reduced SFC.

It was fitted with the Raytheon AN/APG-71 digital multi-mode radar and Martin-Baker NACES zero-zero ejection seats replaced the Russian K-36 originals.

The first F-17A ‘Flankercat’ entered service with VF-1 aboard the USS Enterprise in 2005 and to date, a total of 237 have been built by Grumman.



The What If isn't so crazy as you might think - the model was inspired by an article in the US magazine 'Flight Journal' dated February 2002 - where a proposal was put forward by Robert W. Kress (ex-Grumman VP of Advanced Programmes) and Rear Adm. Paul Gillcrist, US Navy (Retd) suggesting the replacement of the F-14 Tomcat by the Su-27!!


The model was cobbled together from an old, inaccurate, Nakotne Su-30 kit with nosewheels, missiles and markings from an old Airfix F-14 Tomcat.

I think the Flanker looks gorgeous in those colours.....

More photos of the finished model here


Edited by Flankerman
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Awesome, sleek job, seriously beautiful piece of work. Extra merit for Not using the Rogers. Love how you used the Phoenix pallets on the intake mountings, quite an idea there. Only question - for the timeframe, wouldn't AIM-120's be a more suited option to the AIM-7?

Seriously, she looks so sleek and clean in those colours, almost impossible to recognize her.

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It has been done for a 'What If' display at this years IPMS UK Nats - Scalemodelworld.

I don't normally do WIF's (there's too much real stuff to be getting on with) - so I didn't spend too much time or money on it.

I just looked around for what I had - Nakotne Su-30, Airfix Tomcat etc.

I didn't want to spend any money on decal sheets - so I used what came with the Airfix kit - I thought the Wolfpack scheme suited the Flanker rather well.

The whole thing was done in about two weeks.

Even the paint job was rushed - spray cans of acrylic car paints - Ford Polar Grey on top and Appliance White on the undersides.

It's an idea I have had for some time - and the Nats display was just the inspiration I needed :salute:

It will go alongside my Sukhoi T12 bomber......


... and a Revell 1:144 scale A-90 Ekranoplan I did years ago - in Virgin Atlantic colours !!! :)


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Nice one Ken. The flanker looks great in Grey/White.

Funnily enough I used the Airfix Decals for a what if as well, I give you the F/A-16(N)



Perhaps we can start an alternative VF-1 history!


Edited by Julien (UK)
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The first F-17A ‘Flankercat’ entered service with VF-1 aboard the USS Enterprise in 2005 and to date, a total of 237 have been built by Grumman.

For such a timeline, shouldn't it be in a weathered TPS scheme? :bandhead2:

(I believe it would look more convincing like that, but I'm probably just being biased because I prefer the TPS-scheme painted Tomcats)

Edited by ijozic
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Everybody knows you never go full retro! ;)

It's a what-if Flanker in USN markings. So what if the markings are retro? It looks great in high-vis VF-1 markings, even if they are retrograde. :P

EDIT: I think it would've been cool to see it with folded wings, though. Up to the task on the next build, Ken?

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