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Austin's 1/48th MH-60G

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Hello. I am starting my newest project: the 1/48th MH-60G. This will make me 3/4 of the way to my Pavehawk "grand slam" (just need a 1/72nd) :cheers:

the prebuild shot:


I am trying out the Zoom Color PE, which is a first for me. Hopefully it will work out. Here is the two piece center "dashboard".


They give you a piece for the back of the controls for the pavehawk, but they don't give you the "body" of it. So I roughly scratch-built it.


I also haven't added the seat belts yet, as I think that I am going to add a pilot in the right hand seat, and have the door open on the left, and have the other pilot standing outside.


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Roughly 60 bucks. I got the MH-60G at the LHS and the PE from Sprue Bros.

I stole a pilot from an aging Revel Monogram F/A-18, and took the head for the pilot from Tamiya's A-1 Skyraider. I also cut off the Oxygen hose. I am thinking about either buying a ground crew or some resin figures (I think CMK makes some standing helo pilots). Pics will come later...

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As you know I am in the process of my mh-60l(super 64).Will the P.E. set work for my mh-60,did you get the extirior as well,and does the P.E. set come with the roof detail?Nice bird,can't wait to see the the finnal build.Keep us posted.


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Update: Here are some interior shots:

1.) This is the roof. I used the kit roof, but added the AF-type FRIES (I know that it isn't 100% correct, probably isn't even 50% right, but w/e). No kit seats so I made them out of wire and athletic tape. I added tape later for seat belts.


2.) I finished painting the interior. The ammo box for the miniguns was moved back, which I shouldn't have done, but I did it anyways (go figure). I added the PE seatbelts to the left seat (right seat when looking at it), because that pilot that is half chopped up in the background will be used in the other seat.



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Figure not to high ?

I haven't actually dry fitted the one roof part yet <_< . From the way it looks, however, it shouldn't be a problem. The pilot isn't glued in just yet, either. He is just sitting in place while I taped together the two halves to see how everything is looking.

Thanks for the comments,


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Ok, so the pilot was taken from the Monogram Hornet. I cut off the Oxygen hose and his head. I then cut off his right hand and his left arm from the elbow. I repositioned the hand and the arm, but took the head from the pilot in Tamiya's Skyraider. I painted the vest black, although I don't know if that is the correct color or not. I ended up dryfitting the roof, and that piece works just fine.

I weathered the interior heavily as I want to create one of the Desert Storm birds that had the sand and brown camo. I also am looking to fill up the cabin with gear, fast ropes, and the .50's that were in the cabin.


Here is a top down view of the cabin (yes everything in the last couple of pics was all dryfitted)


Here is the roof. Again I wanted it to look very dirty.


Edited by arkhunter2002
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Man that is a great bird.Glade to see you are trying a different scheme besides the old 3 tone Euro look.What did you use for weathering?If you want to make some accurate fast ropes use parachute cord.It works/looks good.Are you going to use the weapons set that Cobra Co. lists under MH-53 weapons set?


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