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US NAVY Carrier fight deck F/A-18F diorama

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Nice touch of dropping the flaps and slats! (did I get it right? or was it something else?)

Very well done! :yahoo:

Does Verlinden or anyone else make a 1/48 version of the US Navy Carrier flight deck?

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I believe your diorama is in 1/72 because Verlinden used to make such deck in 1/72. Am I right?

They still do and it's available at

Planet VP

Cost is $69.00...in product search enter "Carrier Deck Blast Shield"


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Does Verlinden or anyone else make a 1/48 version of the US Navy Carrier flight deck?

I think Sprue Bros or Squadron sells one in that scale. I don't recall what brand, but I just recently saw one during a search. Can't remember where.


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Hi Jack pilot, I think you put the Landing Safety Officer (one holding the phone) in the wrong place. He is not suppose to stand there as the plane is launched. But he is standing as the end of the carrier and giving signal and direction to the pilot to land. Anyway, except that minor mistake, the diorama is still nice and cool. But the the pilots' helmets are too white, need a bit of weathering. :beer4:


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Good looking work. I especially like your work on the cat track. Having spent a bit of time around them, I can say you've captured the look well. Ah yes, those dark nights on the bow and Bam, you're on your butt cuz you slipped on that slick track! :lol:


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