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What if Schemes

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can someone do me a "what if" sheme for a 64th ag flanker scheme X-35? thinking about doing it!!!

i think it could look pretty darn good.

now would it be traditional flanker scheme or the splinter style? i think with the X-35s sharp angles the spliter could look pretty good.

here are some profile picture things if anyone want to give this ago, dosnt have to be good. just so i can get an idea to a camo pattern


Edited by rjwood_uk
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My WIP, hopefully a 2 seater #7 to follow. All comments and suggestion welcome


NICE! Mine was a little different...yours would be more "WhIf"-historically accurate though. Mine had a yellow nosecone and a yellow swoosh on the underside that started at the nose sort of like an intake warning triangle.

What fonts or source art did you use to get the logos, "US NAVY" and "Vought F-8" writing?

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NICE! Mine was a little different...yours would be more "WhIf"-historically accurate though. Mine had a yellow nosecone and a yellow swoosh on the underside that started at the nose sort of like an intake warning triangle.

What fonts or source art did you use to get the logos, "US NAVY" and "Vought F-8" writing?


I almost did mine with a yellow nose cone, but stuck more with the historical layout as you said

The logo and Blue Angels script are from graphics I found on the web and manipulated in Photo shop. Same with the Vought Cruader script, it came off this line drawing


I have all of these in photoshop of jpeg format if you would like a copy

The Navy font is Arial with PS produced round periods. My next project is below....



Edited by jburch
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Possibly. I will let ya know


Jburch, Do you remember the Chippy Ho! Hornet. I was thinking it same concept for the IAF F/A-18D. The vertical tail where the scorpion tail will be with a big sting and the fuel tanks with scorpion claws....snap, snap and of course the scorpion head on the nose or under the canopy. I think that would be interesting looking Bug.


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Aw Chris, you're killing me here!! You're going to end up making me want to build a few large F-23s!

Just for laughs, here's my what-if F-2XL in the works, full thread is on the in-progress board.


I think my other meteorprod conversion needs a bit more converting once I start that one, too!


and with leftovers:


Anyone care to start photoshopping either of those? :tumble:

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I figured I had better post something, this thread is getting pushed down the list, and I can't have that. Yes, another of my back aZZwards profiles!

Anyhow, one of a series I hope to do of SAAF Migs and Sukhois, based on the proposition of 70's and 80's arms blockade of South Africa by Western governments over apartheid, leading to the continued use of Russian hardware today. Hey, who needs Gripen when you have, uh, Hunchback??? Colors and markings taken from pics of fresh off the showroom Gripens just being delivered to the SAAF

BTW, anyone know some Afrikaans derogatory or slang terms that could be applied for a nickname for this one, based on that large appendage sticking out the back??? Something like "the corncob"?


Edited by jburch
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so can any one photoshop and F-35 into flanker splinter camo for me?

I certainly wouldn't mind doing it for you, but I've been pretty busy and there are a few others I'd like to finish first.

If nobody gets to it first, perhaps I'll give it a go.

Chris :cheers:

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I certainly wouldn't mind doing it for you, but I've been pretty busy and there are a few others I'd like to finish first.

If nobody gets to it first, perhaps I'll give it a go.

yes please Chris! that would be great. had no other responces from anyone else so your the man for the job! lol

thanks alot, pm me details and what not if there are any or if you need any pics/links.


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