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Best way to parameterize 3D aircraft models

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I suppose the part that I'm not clear on is why you're asking this question on ARC and not on a software developer's forum.

Additionally, if someone here did know the answer, I can't imagine why they would just give it away rather than use it to form a start-up in the hopes of selling their software to Dassault or the like, or at the very least land a job as a dev at an established company.

Unless they're asking for software recommendations, in which case they'd be better off asking at some design forums, and/or industry contacts, and/or software vendors.

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I spent 25 years in the software industry, 15 of those years in the game industry. I ran my own game studio. I was a product director for EA and others. I have a background in writing code and in 3D modelling. Before I got into game dev, I was a systems architect for a robots company. But even I had to re-read that post about 5 times before I figured out what you were trying to get at.

From the sounds of it, someone is looking for a 'simple' software solution that allows an aircraft designer to click a few checkmarks that turn on or off certain design features of an aircraft in order to quickly rough out an aircraft design. At least, that's the gist I'm getting.

The first thing I would do is look at some of the existing RC simulation software on the market. ALL the good ones have a system like this built in. Build up your simulation model from a large library of existing shapes. Sure, they're RC models, but for this purpose, a wing is a wing is a wing. And if they're designing drones then there is even more in common.

That said, this is completely the wrong place to ask a question like this.

Edited by RiderFan
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I have to say I am quite surprised and disappointed by your reactions. I removed the content.

Let me just say a few things, that would be the extent of this topic. I have asked this question to many experts in the field. None has a good answer, or the ones that they come up with are already known to me and the configurator. My personal work is in 3D systems and computer graphics. The sketch-based 3D system I showed is my original post is developed by me and my colleague. The person contacted me after seeing my work. So when he approached me with this question, I wanted to help him out. I am not getting paid nor will I have a financial gain in the future. This is just an intellectually interesting and challenging problem.

I asked the same question to a number of people in the digital design and CAD fields, both face to face and online. No good answers. I brought this question over here because of the domain itself. The parameterization requires familiarity with the basic flight concepts of aerial vehicles. There are a lot of people having worked in 3D modeling over here so I was hoping the combination of an interest in aviation and 3D modeling might prove useful. Specifically, I was hoping someone might have dealt with the same problem and I could learn from that.

If the issue is that I posted this under Jet Modeling, ok, perhaps not the best subforum. But my original question is not completely irrelevant to ARC, especially because I have tried to figure out the solution to this problem elsewhere. I am surprised by the backlash.

Edited by Janissary
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What "backlash"? Just because everyone didn't fawn over your posting you feel slighted?

Sorry, but your post really had nothing whatsoever to do with the subject of this forum. If that makes you feel slighted, so be it. Nobody's response here was in the slightest demeaning or insulting.

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Yeah, I wouldn't say backlash, it's just a weirdly technical question that is kind of vaguely, tangentially related to scale models, but you're just really unlikely to get a useful response here. I mean, you've asked experts in the field without any luck; the chances that a random scale modeller on ARC will have the answer are pretty astronomical. I'm not going to say that *nobody* here is an aerospace engineer, but most of us are just happy gluing bits of plastic together.

*Maybe* a R/C aircraft forum would be a better option as they can get quite technical when tweaking designs for aerodynamic efficiency, but more likely it's one of those things where there isn't really software that does what you want, so you'll have to make it yourself (then, hopefully, sell it and make a mint! :))

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