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Fisher Sea Fury The build begins!

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Hi Guys

here is my latest. I like so many others have been lucky enough to get my hands on this super kit. I am building her fairly quickly for a Magazine article. I have included a couple of quick photo's, basically appart from the oxygen hose and canopy crank the cockpit tub is complete. Unfortunately when colsed up most of this will not be seen again!!




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Pretty damn impressive so far.

This Fury is too rich costwise for my blood, so I will get the HC kit, which I have been told by an industry rep is very nice.

Looking forward to seeing more of your build. I do like the Fisher kits releases!



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O.K Guys I have ben away from the bench for almost a week but I have managed to crack along with this model. The fuselage is together with the wings centre section attached. I am building her with the wings folded. This has been quite a challenge as I have needed to add shimms and sand some of the resin to get it all to fit. You can see in the photo's that I have used Magisculpt for the filling as this stuff is really easy to smooth out on the model. I have taken some advice form another modeller and straightened the exhaust surround above the wing joint as the kit appears to have it too curved. I have also taken the oportunity of using a spare set of treaded tyres which are True details P-51 heels with the centre hub removed and replaced with the kit part. The removal of the wings and the subsequent cutting and replacing of the fold mechanisms is not for the feint hearted but I believe it will be worth itin the end. Hope you like it so far more to come soon :thumbsup:










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Did u use PE and decals for the dials? What was scratchbuilt.

The instrument panel is PE with decals from MDC. The rest is resin all from the kit except the decals, the kit provides printed acetate.

O.K Guys here is the latest installment of this build. I have now got the engine block and cowling attached. I have also sanded all of the excess filler away. The wing fold replacement parts needed some work to get them to line up but they will with a little patience. I have been using the excellent Master Casters Sanding set for this project. I have now found that you can use them wet too. I am not sure if Jay would recommend this but I found that they cut so much better, you can also see I have cut the end of one at an anle , this allows fine work in tight spots without damaging the surrounding area with the hard centre plastic as I found out!. Anyway I have also painted the white and black invasion stripes today. Now she has the pre shading done I will get on with the Sky this evening. By the way I am using Model Air paints from Vallejo which are acrylic and spray so well!! ;D

Hope you like her so far?







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  • 4 weeks later...

:) slow and steadythis week. I have been lucky enough to receive a set of cross tread tyres as well as the new figure from Fisher this week. I started the figure yesterday and he should be finished tomorrow. I have done the rivets and the first stage ofweathering too. Hope you like her so far?


The new wheels and tryes


The figure



So far!!


First part of weathering



Up close of the heat shield. I will start to stain it tonight. looks a little tatty at this stage !! :)


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Silly question that highlights my ignorance, but did the FAA pilots fly combat missions in their regular, navy blue uniform?


I kind of thought the same however the figure comes in this uniform. I am building this straight from the kit almost so I am sticking with what I have. :cheers:


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Gorgeous! Super job on a real killer kit.

I hope it's not too late to point this out to you, but while I can't say "all" Sea Furies during the Korean War era, at least the vast majority did not have the steel heat shield extended down to cover the fairing below the exhausts. Many warbirds and late service period a/c did, but it's rare to see it on an operational bird during Korea. Usually the panel followed the shape of the top of the fairing (ie: the bottom aft corner was cut off).

Love that Fisher kit!



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Here is the latest update. I have done some more weathering and finished the figure. Hope you like it? :rofl:



and him with the aircraft which is nearing completion now!





finally here is the part done exhausr staining. More to follwo soon


John :doh:

I hope it's not too late to point this out to you, but while I can't say "all" Sea Furies during the Korean War era, at least the vast majority did not have the steel heat shield extended down to cover the fairing below the exhausts. Many warbirds and late service period a/c did, but it's rare to see it on an operational bird during Korea. Usually the panel followed the shape of the top of the fairing (ie: the bottom aft corner was cut off).

Hi Jennings

I was studying black and white photo's so missed the solid colour. anyway I couldn't find a photo of the plane I was building so I stuck with the kit and didn't modify the exhaust shroud shape appart from straightening out the lower edge.

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The end is near!I have now done the wing fold mechanisms , they just need some final detail. The weathering is nearly complete. I have now done some shading with subtle dark shades hope you like her so far?











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