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I'm reluctant to post this because I'm not sure I'll actually be able to pull it off, but....this is the restart of a conversion I began several years ago: Esci's 1/48 MiG-23S into a MiG-23U (specific U-variant to be decided). The very rough dorsal hump is epoxy and I'm starting to put together the basics of the cockpits, which will have to be scratchbuilt. I'm suffering from a lack of really good pictures (of the area between cockpits, for example), so I can't guarantee 100% accuracy. Honestly, I'll be happy if it just looks right when I'm done. It's going to be a challenge but I want to get this one done before I move on to converting Esci's 1/48 MiG-27.

More pictures as things progress.




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Could this help?


(The thumbnails on the left can be clicked)


Also found this good construction article. Don't know the language but the pics are good enough :thumbsup:


Though it's a single seater, it's the same kit that you're using and you might get some tips from the article.


Edited by JackMan
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David ,

Good to see you`er back at it.I trust baby is keeping you busy.Chin up, I know you can do it. :)

I am finally getting my Spinners Cheetah conversion kit.....and the best part is, Linden Hills now stocks them.I hope you don`t mind me bugging you for advice.....if needed :)

Regards ,

Paul T

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Thanks. Have fun with the Cheetah conversion (it's a great kit. Feel free to bug me about it as you work on yours). Mine is sitting primed, I'm just waiting for the weather to improve so I can paint it. Emma is taking up a lot of my time, but I still get a couple hours a week to model. At this rate I'll have everything in my stash finished sometime around 2079.

David ,

Good to see you`er back at it.I trust baby is keeping you busy.Chin up, I know you can do it. :)

I am finally getting my Spinners Cheetah conversion kit.....and the best part is, Linden Hills now stocks them.I hope you don`t mind me bugging you for advice.....if needed :)

Regards ,

Paul T

Edited by david sMiGielski
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Cool! A MiG-23UB! I am going to build one too, in the future that is! Won a lot of etched and resin parts on eBay a couple of weeks ago and to my surprise, when the package arrived, a resin front fuselage of a MiG-23UB in 1/48 was included. <_< Very rough cast which needs loads of work and only two holes where the cockpit should be, no other detail!

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I spent all afternoon deep in the Zen-like process of cutting and fitting sheet styrene. The end result is starting to look like a MiG-23 instrument panel. It's still very rough and there are many minor flaws (appearing here in all their glory thanks to Canon's macro setting), but it fits and it's a start. The best part: I get to do this twice. :whistle: I'm curious to see if the second one goes together easier than this one.



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