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Something Different

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This was one of those impulse buys where the box art really sold the kit,


the problem is that one of the main ‘hooks’ of the box art is the large drop tanks which really set the model off but these are not included even thought they are covered in the instructions. Instead you get the smaller one that come in the V tail kit; when ask about this the response from Planet Models was to the effect “Oh the artist and instruction guy made a mistake†yeah…right. So after a search of the spare parts box I came up with a couple of centerline tanks from the 1/72 Hasegawa F-4E series, they give you two types in each kit and the “pointy†one matches up pretty well with just a touch of sanding to refine the shape, you have to scratch build the fins and pylons but that is not too difficult.


This was my first all resin kit and I was surprised at the relative ease in which it all went together, dry fitting turns up a few areas that need additional sanding with only a few small pin holes needed to be filled: and after adding and getting the pins aligned to strengthen the butt joints for the wings and horizontals the main assembly was done. One of the areas that did need extra work was getting the vac-u-form canopy to conform correctly (glad they give you two). The other problem area that will not effect most is since this was a ‘gear up’ I had to glue the three piece gear doors in place and these just did not fit as they were too small; ended up using the kit pieces for filler and then covering them up with Bondo and re-scribing the out line.


This was also my first attempt with Alclad II and I was very impressed with the outcome, the photos do not do the metal finish justice (wish I knew a way to capture the ‘look’ with my digital camera.) and the panel line on the actual model do not show up as stark as they came out in the photos.


As for the markings I am not much into “what if†schemes and markings having only done one previously, a Luftwaffe ’46 for a club project, but when I looked at what was called for - the very over sized insignia and USAF on the wing aligned perpendicular to the fuselage, a fuselage star & bar, and a tail number; well it just didn’t feel right and this neat aircraft deserved better so this is a “what if’ manufactures promotional scheme; Since Republic was located in New York state and the 5th FIS was stationed at Suffolk County AFB, NY flying F-86Ds, I tried to show a transition from their scheme on the F-86D and the one they used on their F-102s as it might have been applied to the F-91.





Jim Barr

Edited by Jim Barr
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I have to ask if you "painted" on your pics in PS, because it looks kinda like an illustration to me.

I do use some graphic programs, PS being one of them, to crop, resize, play around with the “exposure†to get the correct lighting, and in this case correct the yellow as it came out too orangey in the original.


Jim Barr

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What a thoroughly smashing build.

Jim, thanks so much for taking the time and effort to post these lovely photos.

Your model looks terrific. You have managed to achieve what looks like a flawless finish and one that appears most convincing.

Great choice of markings for this bird. They really seem to be made for it.

Lastly, your photography is top notch and makes a huge difference. It has been a total pleasure to pore over the pics.

I can't wait for your next one.


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Planet should be using your model to promote their kit, Jim - I don't know how many times I've looked at this kit in online stores and skimmed over it without a second thought. Now, having seen yours and what a beautiful model it builds into, I really want one. Great work.

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