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  • 1 month later...

That's looking great :crying2: . If you would, please share a little about how you achieved the faded black. As has been said, it's a great effect. I'm guessing that you used maybe a lightened black as a first coat and then spot covered with a darker shade?


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Great looking Sandy, I have that kit and made a big boo boo. I wanted to use the decal behind the panel. So I was using my pottery trimming tool (I need a new one, mine is so dirty.) Anyway I wanted to cut out the instrument faces and then put the decal behind it. Unfortunately the panel craked on me and fell apart. I haven't looked at it since, but I think I might be able to fix it. If not I will reorder this tree to fix it. I just have to wait for more money.

I really like the way that one looks. I thought that I wouldn't like the look of the black underneath but I do. It looks so different. Now if only the AF painted some F-4's like that or F-105's or A-7s etc. That would be cool.

Zigi, I second the motion for pics of that cockpit. Got any?

Edited by jimz66
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Zigi! That is awesome! Please tell us something about how did you make the weathering! Did You only oversprayed the base camo colors with lightened shades, or how?

Thank in advance, and keep us posted!


georch from Hungary

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