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EC-135C Question

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Hello guys,I´ll try to explain my doubt as clear as I can!! :woot.gif: Well,actually I´m working on AMT´s EC-135C Looking Glass huge plane,a nicely done kit in my opinion.I´m detailing all the cockpit and galley,and yes,I know it won´t be seen when finished but I´m enjoying a lot!!

I was looking for some exterior refference pics and noticed a possible error in the AMT decoration scheme,that´s why I ask for your help to do the right thing.The kit comes with two plane decorations,the `Midnight Express´63-8049 and `Heavy Metal´63-8050,those seems to be initial schemes,almost like this one


The newer scheme shows some differences as seen in this other picture


As you can see,the main differences are the smaller `U.S. AIR FORCE´ lettering,the abreviated serial number,OF marking and the US national flag on the tail,but my question is this one,do I need to put the three blister antennas (the smaller black ones on the dorsal) if I want to do the initial plane scheme??,I don´t know when those blisters where incorporated but in all the pictures of the initial scheme planes I have seen,they lack those antennas.

Thanks for your help!!


I.Martin :banana:

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Those antennae were added during modifications and upgrades, so no, you don't need to have them on an earlier aircraft - the simplest thing is to stick with the kit decals as is, or if you want to finish your model as a different aircraft, then use photo references for the one you want to replicate and add the bisters if necessary.

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The "OF" tail code and TAC style serial were post-1991 mods (after the death of SAC). I'm not positive when those SATCOM blisters were added, but it was sometime in the 1980s. The top photo you have appears to date from the 1970s or very early 80s. There was NO, repeat NO nose art on SAC airplanes in those days. Just the basic T.O. markings. EC-135Cs sprouted lots of antennas in the 80s as technology improved and satcom became more common. Just follow the photos as a guide for which airplane you're building.

J (card-carrying '135 fanatic)

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Any 'nose art' on a SAC KC/EC-135 crew chiefs adorned their aircraft with artwork hanging on a door way curtain inside the main cargo door or on the forward bulkhead to the left of the door as you entered. They were usually done with a very political correct subject.

In some cases if it was generally acceptable artwork, it would also be seen on the engine intake covers.

Not all EC-135s were configured the same way and not all were 'Looking Glass'. My dad flew onboard the 'Grayson' out of Westover AFB in the early seventies. They pulled their tour orbiting over Lake Erie occasionally where the weather provided a smooth ride...which is what the general liked. Thirteen plus hour missions as one of the many SAC Airborne Command Posts which served 24/7/365.

Our EC's out of Grissom were information/communication relay birds. They orbited in their assigned locations to ensure continuity of communications between 'Looking Glass'/SAC Command Post and the Pentagon.

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