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Well, I didn't do much in the way of in progress photos on this one. Lots of minor setbacks along the way on this one and I just wanted to get it done! This will be the the last one I do for this GB, Rammelt's "kannon-boot" will have to wait for another day....



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Hello Mike

I like your photo teknik, gives great life to the model.

I think it turned out quite nicely, even the thin spiral, I am still cursing the german painter that envented those :bandhead2:

Have made Amon and Seeger's planes but there are 3 more carton planes from JG 53, would like to make them but unfortunately no pilots is named.



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Hello Mike

I like your photo teknik, gives great life to the model.

I think it turned out quite nicely, even the thin spiral, I am still cursing the german painter that envented those :crying2:

Have made Amon and Seeger's planes but there are 3 more carton planes from JG 53, would like to make them but unfortunately no pilots is named.



Thanks, Jes.

The spiral on the spinner was a challenge. This was the first time I've tried masking the spiral, I normally use a decal but I didn't have one that matched the very tight pattern used on this one. I'm not 100% happy with it, the edges are a little rough but these were field applied at this point in the war so the real things weren't always perfect either.

Illiad makes decals for rest of the Staffel in 1/48, I hope someone does them in 1/72 one of these days.

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That's quite lovely, Mike.

Did you chop up the kit canopy or is that one from an Academy kit?

I have the MSAP sheet. It really nicely documents these planes and the decals are nicely printed. But the carrier film that MSAP used was horrendously thick and impervious to setting fluids. Perhaps there is a trick to using them... Worth searching for.

Really like your build.

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