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1:72 Acad/Fujimi F/A-14E/F 'Super Alicat Mk-II'

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Okay, this is the final version of this project, I promise!

Despite the best efforts of India and Israel, the regions between the two were fast occupied by American forces in the early stages of WWIII. The Federal Eurasian Air Force was too busy with defense of the eastern and western fronts to seriously apply force to the situation there. Unfortunately though American military presence began to affect the stability of Ligyptacon Industries in North Africa, the principle supplier of BioMeth to the Federal Eurasian Alliance. A Mercenary strike team was assembled quickly and tasked with the defense of the main transport routes, as well as participating in FEAF operations in the area.

Captain Richard Kurokawa Kahn, a Japanese American-turned Muslim who had been alienated from his homeland early in his life and risen to the top of the Iranian AF was honorably discharged before the government was occupied by the Americans. He was allowed to take with him a couple of the recently upgraded Alicats with him before the rest were destroyed. Kahn became the first member of the FEAF's mercenary squad, dubbed Shadow, and his AliCat was soon repainted in Shadow livery, a dark gray and black camouflage.

Because of the relative age of the aircraft Kahn had it rebuilt predominantly with carbon composite structural components, the avionics replaced with a modular programmable unit from a Saab Gripen and re-engined with new Russian ALF-35 engines producing over 40,000lbs of thrust on reheat. The thrust vectoring nature of the ALF-35s, along with the lightening and redistribution of the aircraft's weight allowed the elimination of the elevators with some tweaking to the wing profile. The AESA radar from a Gripen NG was also integrated.

Soon before the final team member joined Shadow the final round of upgrades was put on the 'Super Alicat'. A scrapped Israeli F-16C was purchased and stripped-down, modified as well with a new ALF-40 engine and turned into a booster/defense drone remote controlled by a backseater (though Kahn had not found a suitable backseater by this time) A set of conformal fuel tanks was also fitted to increase range. Kahn had an ulterior motive for these, but they only came into the light before it was too late to pevent.

Kahn, as well as the 'Super Alicat' were destroyed in a dogfight over Siberia after Shadow Lt. ************* Masamune in her MiG-35.5 intercepted him after he destroyed several critical FEAF installations.

Edited by sv51macross
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  • 3 weeks later...

Pretty cool background story! :thumbsup: takes the term of "hostile takeover" to a whole new level. :lol:

<...> MBDA Meteor and IRIST missiles (where the heck will I get those in 1:72?). <...> Carraige of an Israeli LITENING pod was made permanent by integrating the electronics in the avionics compartments and the seeker ball replacing the TCS housing. <...>

You'll get the missiles for a modest price from a RoG 1/72 Modern European Armament kit. CLICKY! RoG was so nice to throw in a really nice Eurofighter Typhoon kit as well. And... lotsa weapon stencils! ;)

The idea of permanently integrating the Litening is really cool! :thumbsup:

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I find it interesting you're canting your tails inward, I might think out would be a wiser choice if you're removing the elevators, make the rudders twin-purpose, somewhat like the no-rudder F-15's out there, that have their full-moving elevators lifted and canted at an angle somewhat like the F-23's tails.

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I find it interesting you're canting your tails inward, I might think out would be a wiser choice if you're removing the elevators, make the rudders twin-purpose, somewhat like the no-rudder F-15's out there, that have their full-moving elevators lifted and canted at an angle somewhat like the F-23's tails.

Or something else I was thinking of was making the tails much like the rudders on the VF-0 or the VF-1 from Macross with all moving rudders canted out from inboard bases. Yeah, I played around with a YF-23 tailed Tomcat but...it just doesn't look right.

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Alright. Regardless of which direction I take I'm starting on the F-16 half of the project with the diverter-less intake, scratchbuilt from styrene.


A word of advice, don't bother with the Fujimi kit unless you find it for cheap and it has the AGM-119s or the AGM-65s/AIM-120s, it isn't as good as the Hasegawa kits.

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Guess this cinches it. I'm doing the original F/A-14E story. Here the deleted cockpit if visible (there will be cameras though) and the half-finished diverterless intake.


And here's a close-up of the intake itself.


The bulge is the tip of a 1:48 370 gal F-16 fuel tank. Thinking of another intake on top for more airflow. Gotta wait though until the putty is dry, its under a heat lamp to help the toluene evap.

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Here's the F-16 booster with a mostly done intake and the beginnings of the wing reprofiling.


Here's the rudders for the aircraft, need to be shaped a little until they're done. Cockpit's also done.


The mostly done intake from another angle.


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Exactly, but I'm searching for the Hasegawa version as it looks better and I don't need the transforming ability (costs less too :explode:) And Mikey, that avatar is disturbing and funny at the same time :whistle:

Here's what the wing will look like, outlined in red.


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Wing profile. I'm thinking I need to thin it a little, the wings look a wee bit fat. Probably going to take a little off the trailing edge and the front.

It is just a bit wide, in my opinion. Maybe just a little bit taken off the leading edge might help. Still, this is a really cool build. That work on the F-16 intake is good stuff!

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Great work on the scratch building. :woot.gif:

I know next to nothing about this "Macross" stuff, but from a purely functional point of view, it looks like the F-16 is a little to far forward and would prevent the canopy from opening. Additionally, should an ejection be necessary, it would be quite tricky with that F-16 and it's intake right there. I see pilot and WSO getting sucked into an intake.

Like I said, don't know Macross stuff, maybe in the sci-fi world they have something figured out to prevent that.

And for what it is worth, I agree with you and Chris on the wings. A little thick on the chord in my opinion.

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Great work on the scratch building. :pray:

I know next to nothing about this "Macross" stuff, but from a purely functional point of view, it looks like the F-16 is a little to far forward and would prevent the canopy from opening. Additionally, should an ejection be necessary, it would be quite tricky with that F-16 and it's intake right there. I see pilot and WSO getting sucked into an intake.

Like I said, don't know Macross stuff, maybe in the sci-fi world they have something figured out to prevent that.

And for what it is worth, I agree with you and Chris on the wings. A little thick on the chord in my opinion.

Good point on the ejection seat, let alone opening the canopy. Maybe a rear-sliding canopy like some WWII fighters? One theory on the ejections situation is that the Captain is confident that he won't get shot down. Besides, the Macross jet that Mikey posted, the inspiration for this build, the drone booster can be jettisoned, so I guess that's the case here.

I thinned the wing profile a bit, I think it's much, much better. Still looks a slight stubby but overall I'm satisfied with it. I might, might add another quarter inch to the tip but that'd be it.


BTW, the photo shows the CFTs off to the right of the frame. They go right behind the MLG wells under where the elevons used to be. My ideas is they hold either an extra (collective) 500 gallons of BioMeth or a similar quantity of liquid O2 (for increased capability in space; BioMeth is a fictional, biologically produced gaseous hydrocarbon that has a few oxygen atoms caught in the chain (like a hydrate), so while it can combust without an external oxidizer thrust is dramatically reduced).

Edited by sv51macross
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Here are a couple of updates on the project.

The ALF-35 engines. Developed by Klimov as a high-thrust export engine to utilize BioMeth fueling and intended to replace existing 30,000lb class engines such as the P&W F-100 or the GE F-110 while providing lighter weight, lower fuel consumption, and reduced infrared and radar signatures. Resistance to FOD from either end, as well as warhead survivability was more than doubled over previous generation engines. Because manufacturing technique was not as refined as Japanese production processes all engines varied in output, and so engines had to be matched in the case of twin-engine aircraft such as the Iranian AF Alicats or Korean/Israeli F-15K/Is. All engines were however within fifteen-hundred lbs thrust of the average of 45,000lbs.


The ALF-40 engine. As a later engine produced in limited supply after manufacturing processes were refined, it was designed solely as a limited-use booster engine for employ on Lt. Col. Kurokawa-Kahn F-14E and a few select boosters on the JASDF's Nightshade squadron. It was an over-tuned version of the ALF-38 transport-craft engine with an afterburner fitted. It was significantly larger than the ALF-35 and as such the F-16C that Lt. Col. Kurokawa-Kahn installed it in had to be extensively modified. Thrust output was, at maximum afterburner, about 60,000lbs of thrust though fuel consumption only 10% greater than the ALF-35. such was the heat generated by the engine that the thrust-vectoring system had to be heavily reinforced and externalized despite the advances in technology.


Here is a shot of the ALF-35 and ALF-40 engines together as on Kahn's aircraft.


The CFT-1 F-14E conformal fuel-tank system. Despite the increased energy density over old JP-8 aviation fuel some missions that Shadow Squadron were sent on required extra fuel. Kahn disliked having to mount the glove pylons for additional fuel aside from the nacelle mounted external tanks, so he had a set of conformal fuel tanks made for the rear of the aircraft, aft of the MLG doors. Fuel volume for each was over 300 gallons, but they had the added benefit of being strategically placed to carry oxidizer, if ever a mission into space was required (which was a couple of times). The twin CFTs' volume, when filled with liquid O2 proved to be sufficient to match the fuel volume carried internally by both the Booster and the F-14E itself. Pylons were fitted early in their service but the aft weight proved to great to retain a safe takeoff speed and were eliminated after one test flight.


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can i have some of whatever crack you're smoking? lol

good progress so far. i really like the designs of macross series and how they took from the tomcat and flankers, etc..

Great looking so far!

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Some more work. Made the forward and rear optical sensors on the Booster as well as a little ECM device (one of the TCS pods backwards)


Also, after looking on Tomcat Alley at the Tomcat-21 projects I decided on some enlarged wing gloves. Just the plasticard base right now but after I buy another tube of Squadron I'll get them fleshed out.


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