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Hey everyone,

I thought I’d finally start a thread for my WIP(s). I picked up these two kits super cheap, so I won’t be too bummed when (not if) my “experiments†don’t turn out the way I hope. The Monogram kit I got at a local show and the Academy kit I won on “that auction site.†I built the Monogram kit back when I was a kid (some 20 years ago), but I’ve never tried the Academy kit. The Monogram kitty will be finished in VF-1 high viz colors from Superscale’s old sheet. I haven’t decided on what I’m going to do with the Academy bird yet.

Anyway, I’ve been plugging away for the past week or so and I finally have some progress to post.

First, I thought I’d try something new and decided to open the boarding gear on the Monogram kit. (Stretch my skills a bit.) The boxing includes a boarding ladder, but neither the ladder’s hatch nor the boarding steps can be modeled open. So, I went ahead and opened up the boarding steps and the ladder storage space. After I opened the steps I went ahead and started to box ‘em in.


Well, I boxed in the forward step, but hung the back panel of the rear step from the RIO’s console.


That made it easier for me to install the cockpit tub without any interference. Once the tub was set in place, the blank closed up the step.



You can also see that I’ve taken some of the advice posted on ARC and cut a portion of the intakes free and glued ‘em to the upper fuselage half.

As I moved along with and completed the cockpit tubs, I ran into a small problem. I noticed that the top of the tubs didn’t exactly meet up with the lower portion of the RIO’s shroud. (In the photo below, you can actually see how the boarding steps look after everything's trimmed and sanded.)



As a fix, I made a pattern for some backing out of Post-It notes, then cut the shapes out of some card stock.


When dry-fitted in place, it looks like it does the trick. Once the seats are installed I’m sure you won’t even notice the fix.

Anyway, that’s it for tonight. I’m gonna finish up with the tubs and install ‘em. After that, I’ll close up the fuse halves and continue with construction.

Thanks for looking! Your input’s always welcome.



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Which Academy -A are you building?

The same one you're building. I just don't know what markings I'll be using yet. Although it doesn't seem tht mine is going together as easily as yours. There are some pretty serious fit issues with mine.



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OK gang,

Progress continues on my Tomcats. In the last installment I ran into a problem with the tub fitting into the upper fuse half. I tried to correct it with some plastic sheet backing. At a quick glance it looked to do the trick. Well, I was half right.

It worked like a charm on the Monogram kit…


…but I ran into a problem when I was working with the Academy kit.

It turns out that the fit on the entire forward fuselage of my Academy Tomcat leaves a lot to be desired. While dry fitting the pieces I noticed that with the cockpit assembly in place, the lower fuselage wouldn’t fit flush with the upper half.


Not only that, but the lower forward half wouldn’t fit either.


While studying the problem, I realized that with the cockpit tub properly in place, the NLG bay sat too far aft. So much so that there was a gap of about 3mm at the forward bulkhead and the locating hole for the nose gear was partially obstructed.


It seemed to me that the NLG sidewalls were too tall. So, I sanded ‘em down enough to get the three fuse pieces to fit flush, and to eliminate the gap at the forward end of the nose gear bay. It fixed the alignment problem with the fuselage and NLG bay, but it resulted in a gap behind the pilot’s and RIO’s seats.



I was able to bridge the gap using some 2mm strip.


After it was installed, a quick coat of DGG and the gaps almost disappeared.


The seats sit a little too far forward in the cockpit, but that’s less noticeable than the gaping voids.

As you can see in that final photo, the fuselages have also been closed up. I’m gonna let the seams set before I attack ‘em.

Anyway, that’s it for now. More to follow!

Feel free to drop your two cents in the bucket...



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Some very nice improvements you have there. Imagine what you could do with a Hasegawa kit. <_<

Thanks phantom. I've only recently gotten back into the hobby after a significant hiatus and I'm a bit tentative about spending $50.00 + for a "quality" kit. More so hacking one up.

Hmm, I'll have to keep an eye on that on my build. I have the 2 halves together, but dont have hte cockpit in yet.

You know Adam, I saw the progress on your build and I was going to ask you if you ran into the same problem. Actually, I guess you can tell me if you do. I'd like to know if it's possible warpage in my parts, or if it's a common problem with the Academy Tomcats.



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Well, on mine, I joined the 2 large halves together, and started working on that, before I even started working on the cockpit. It didnt occur to me, until just now, that the nose gear bay being attached to the bottom of the cockpit might make it pretty difficult for me to get it all slipped inside the joined fuselage. Oh well, I guess I'll figure something out.

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I’ve been continuing with my two Tomcats and after getting the fuse all closed up, it was time to move on to the gun panel and nose cone.

On the Monogram kit I started with the gun panel. After gluing that on I moved on and attached the nose cone.

Uh…let’s just say that the fit is less than perfect.

The fuse halves were lined up OK, but once the nose cone went on there was a significant gap between the lower fuse half and the nose.

Here you can see how the upper fuse half fits perfectly flush with the nose cone.


Here you can see the gap between the lower fuse half and the nose.


In this third photo you can also see the poor fit and alignment of the gun panel.


To fix the gap I stuffed a piece of plastic card in the gap…


Then rough-cut it out…


I’ll go ahead and sand it flush once it’s set.

As I started this build I decided I’d try my hand at scribing my first kit. It’s a good thing I did too. Seems like getting the fuse seams, gun panel, and nose cone to fit’s gonna take some serious filling-and-sanding sessions. I’m gonna lose a lot of raised detail…

(Rivet counters beware!) Like I said, this is my first attempt at rescribing a kit. I didn’t bother with getting all the panel lines exactly correct. I just went ahead and used the kit’s raised lines as a guide.

Here’s a look at my start.


You can also see that I cut the stabilators free from the upper fuse. I plan to pose them in more of a "relaxed" position.

Anyway, while the Monogram’s parts were drying, I went ahead and glued up the Academy’s gun panel and nose. The fit on the Academy kit was way better.


Some simple sanding and rescribing and it’ll look the part.

Anyway, thanks for looking. Feel free to drop your two cents into the bucket on your way out!



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  • 4 weeks later...
I like the rescribing...What tools did you use?

Thanks Brett, I appreciate the feedback.

As far as tools go…well…honestly, I’d be hard pressed to tell you exactly what I used. I’m in the process of moving and all my stuff’s packed up. I could try and dig it out and take a pic to show you, but that may take a couple of days. Off the top of my head I can tell you that I use some scribing templates (squares, rectangles, circles & ovals) and Dymo labeling tape for the shapes. The scribers themselves are a sharp needle in a pin vise, an old dental tool (sharpened to use as a scriber), and a broken #11 X-acto blade. (The tip is snapped off and I use the back/blunt side of the blade.)

I hope that helps a bit. Sorry it took me a while to respond, and sorry I can’t show you my tools, but like I said, I’m in the process of moving and my junk’s packed up. Once I get settled and start mashing plastic again, I’ll include a shot of my scribing arsenal.

Good luck with your scribing project! I’m looking forward to seeing your progress.



Edited by oortiz10
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I think you have done a fantastic job you have done, to say that there have been a few mishaps that you have had to correct...

But I think that you have managed to correct thm well...

Looking forward to seeing more on one of MY favorite jets...

HOLMES :lol:

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Thanks Brett, I appreciate the feedback.

As far as tools go…well…honestly, I’d be hard pressed to tell you exactly what I used. I’m in the process of moving and all my stuff’s packed up. I could try and dig it out and take a pic to show you, but that may take a couple of days. Off the top of my head I can tell you that I use some scribing templates (squares, rectangles, circles & ovals) and Dymo labeling tape for the shapes. The scribers themselves are a sharp needle in a pin vise, an old dental tool (sharpened to use as a scriber), and a broken #11 X-acto blade. (The tip is snapped off and I use the back/blunt side of the blade.)

I hope that helps a bit. Sorry it took me a while to respond, and sorry I can’t show you my tools, but like I said, I’m in the process of moving and my junk’s packed up. Once I get settled and start mashing plastic again, I’ll include a shot of my scribing arsenal.

Good luck with your scribing project! I’m looking forward to seeing your progress.



Thanks for the reply! That definately helps me out a bit, more idea's for me to try out. I have a scribing tool I ordered from Squadron a while back that I'll try out as well. I do need to find templates though before I attempt any of the circles, ovals etc!

I'll get pics up once I actually start working on it. So far the ebay seller I won it from hasn't sent me any info (two days ago) :)

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