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Avro Arrow 1/48

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I've been working on this one at the same time as the other Arrow.

This will be on the ground, with radome detached, palette detached and an Iroquois engine removed and displayed. The engine will have to be scratch built and I'm waiting for the styrene tubes to come in from my LHS.

The cockpit is the North Star product and, to my untrained eye, it looks pretty good.

This shows the radar and dish, scratch built, based on an F-4 Phantoms Astra radar. And the radome wasn't hinged, it was completely detached and supported on it's own stand, but I'll probably just leave it on the ground.



I'll show some structure in the engine compartment.


With the palette removed, I'll show the weapons bay a little detailed. Here are the bulkhead and palette parts.





And the 85% complete palette.


The wings have been glued, the leading and trailing edges have been thinned ( this kit isn't nearly as poor as the older one I'm working on ... this one's a real pleasure!)

That's it for now. Thanx for looking.


(near Niagara Falls)

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Just this week I bought the Arrow Scrapbook ... which happened to be on the discount table ... and I'm blown away by the pix in there.

What a treasure that book is. And I didn't even know it existed.

And here's an update.

This is the nose with radar exploded and the structure in the nose and radome.


The scratchbuilt Radar unit, which will be completely tucked into the nose section ... darn.


The Nose gear and Main gear bays with some detailing. Notice the drag brace on the nose gear which was missing from the kit.




I've also added some bits of styrene to indicate the hinges on the elevators. And in the background, the weapons bay doors.


And I didn't realize till I took a close look at the Illustration reference of the weapons bay, that the doors were a little more complex. There are smaller front doors in addition to the larger bi-fold hinged doors.


My chicken scratching for the Engine Dolly and its parts.



And the jig for the Engine Dolly frame.


That's it for the time being. I'm still waiting for some 3/4" and 1" tubing so I can build the Iroquois engine and build the weapons bay ... until I get those, the fuselage assembly will be delayed.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still waiting for my styrene tubes ( 1" and 3/4" for the Iroquois engine ) to come in from my LHS.

Geez, I've been waiting for over a month for this little order from Model Builders Supply ... are they typically this slow?

Here's what I've been up to in the interim.

... alot of scratchbuilding has been goin' on.

Here's the ladder, under construction and built, along with the engine dolly. That's just a pill bottle in the dolly ... just for a little weight.




The palette dolly ...



Nose gear and bay


And these little things. They are small engine gas vents that sit proud of the fuselage. On the kit, they're just indicated by panel lines.



Waiting for this 'tube' order has really delayed this build, darn it all anyways! Without 'em, I can't finish the fuselage and weapons bay or the engine compartment.

I had hoped to have 'em done for the HeritageCon show in 3 weeks ( Feb 22 2009), but that doesn't look possible now. I think the Iroquois engine build will take a least a month. Shucks! Maybe Guelph ...!


Edited by K2Pete
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Waiting for this 'tube' order has really delayed this build, darn it all anyways! Without 'em, I can't finish the fuselage and weapons bay or the engine compartment.

I had hoped to have 'em done for the HeritageCon show in 3 weeks ( Feb 22 2008), but that doesn't look possible now. I think the Iroquois engine build will take a least a month. Shucks! Maybe Guelph ...!


I think I speak for all of us when I say .......


That build is beyond description. I cant wait to see it finished.

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  • 1 month later...

A little update here ...

I've finally got the 3/4" and 1" tubes from Model Builder Supply after waiting for 50 days ... sheesh.

And built the weapons bay. And I was able to get a good start on the Iroquois Engine too.

I'd hoped to get 'em done for the Guelph show tomorrow, March 8th, but there's still dozens of hours of work left to do.

I should have both these Arrows done for BuffCon in April. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

The white styrene panels on the side of the fuselage are there to even out the awful seams.





I cut open the Engine bay access panels, and cut some 1" tube and sanded and filed and puttied. The basic Iroquois skeleton is in the background.






The last shot is of the Iroquois upside down showing the housing for all the plumbing.

That's it for now.

Hope to see some of you fellow ARC'ers tomorrow in Guelph. I'll be showing at the Real Space table.


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Um... just wow.

Since picking up Arrow Scrapbook, Arrow Rollout and Iroquois Rollout I've been toying with the idea of building an Iroquois... this adds some inspiration! I wish I could see it in person - I look forward to seeing the rest of this build!!

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Thanx guys ... for all your comments ... but you're being way too kind. I'm just learning to build using styrene ... but having a blast doing it!

Awan, I picked up a bunch of books a couple months ago at the discount table.

Arrow Rollout, Iroquois Rollout, Arrow Scrapbook and Arrow Countdown. They're loaded with great photos I hadn't seen before. My only reference before buying these books was the 1980 book 'Arrow', by the "Arrowheads" ... so these newer additions were giving me visual orgasms! ;)

Iroquois Rollout has some photos of the engine under construction, rigged for testing, installed on the B-47 and at it's photo-op.


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