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Several SH-60B questions

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Hi all,

I've started my SH-60B build,and have a few questions, which I haven't found answer to.

The kit is Revell's SH-60B, with HSL-49 in Hi-wis tail markings on the boxart. That is the helicopter I am planing to build.

Here are few questions, I am sure you'll know more than I managed to find on the Internet. :woo:

1) The boxart shows SH-60B without that "ball" on the nose, and it does not come in the box. The only photo I have managed to find of this particular bird shows it with that "ball"(what is it, and what is it for anyway?) and with longer port pylon. Did that SH-60 Had them all the time, or is it possible, that it was added later?

If not, Is there anyone who is not using these parts from their Cobra Company update set and willing to sell/trade?

2) Where was the paritcular SH-60 stationed? Pic shows the SH-60 on the apron, but I would like to make it on the deck. Do anyone know if this particlar SH-60 was active and any info on that?

Also, any picture of this bird would be very helpful, so please share. :)

3) What is the interior color on the interior? Cockpit is flat black, but what about the rear? On all pics it shows some kind of light blue... Any suggestions on the color?

4) What are the FOD and RBF locations? Any input would be more than welcome.

Any help is really appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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i believe its a flir turret.

some seahawks seem to have them while others not, probably and upgrade/theatre type of thing. not a seahawk expert.

and as far as i can see i don't believe the cobra set for either the b (just checked mine) or the f have this turret or mount.

sorry couldn't be of more help, i'm sure the guys who know will have more info.


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I assume you are talking about the recent 1/48 Revell release of the Italeri kit in the "Scorpians" markings. Hasegawa released the same markings in 1/72 and included resin parts for the FLIR (forward looking infa-red) turret and mount and the (different) extended pylons for both sides, not just port, plus some small parts for detection system antennas. The resin parts were included just for the Scorpian markings and in fact are not used for the alternate markings, another very colourful "Wolfpack" machine. THe fact that Hasegawa included resin parts just for this scheme indicates that they are required for the scheme and it is a shame that Revell ignored this. As I only build 1/72 I can't help as to a source in 1/48 except that I know some similar parts would be available in the 1/48 Fireball Jayhawk conversion but this might be rather expensive to add to the Revell kit if you don't use the whole conversion. Hope this helps somewhat.



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1) The boxart shows SH-60B without that "ball" on the nose, and it does not come in the box. The only photo I have managed to find of this particular bird shows it with that "ball"(what is it, and what is it for anyway?) and with longer port pylon. Did that SH-60 Had them all the time, or is it possible, that it was added later?

The ball is the AAS-44 FLIR/Laser designator. It's a modification (started in about 1997) and not there all the time (depends on availability, theater, etc. etc.). Some aircraft have them under the starboard pylon. The diving board mount on the nose was originally part of the Hellfire modification to the Block 1 aircraft.

2) Where was the paritcular SH-60 stationed? Pic shows the SH-60 on the apron, but I would like to make it on the deck. Do anyone know if this particlar SH-60 was active and any info on that?

No pics, but HSL-49 is based at North Island in San Diego. Generally speaking, the "Hi-Vis" SH-60B's didn't deploy when painted in that guise. Note "Generally".

3) What is the interior color on the interior? Cockpit is flat black, but what about the rear? On all pics it shows some kind of light blue... Any suggestions on the color?

To be honest, "generally" (there's that word again) a 36375 floor, light gray w/grease streaked fabric on the composite covers for the electronics (to keep the AC in...not sure what's up with the pic above...that is NOT normal), black seats. But the aircraft deploy in 1 or 2 aircraft detachments and there is A LOT of individuality between the dets.

4) What are the FOD and RBF locations? Any input would be more than welcome.

red intake and exhaust covers (hard covers), hard covers for the other inlets (avionics fans, etc.) and ESM (the flat panels) antenna's. Soft covers on the FLIR, "Disco Balls" and pitot's. RBF's only for ordnance. Again, most likely some combination of that list. On my dets we generally only used the Intake, inlet and soft covers on the ship, and if it was on the deck only the engine intake covers. Again, each det will be individual...even to the point where my squadron (after someone started an engine with the intake cover in on a dark, dark deck... ;) put reflective tape on all the covers. Yes, they stayed in through pre-flight due to the salt spray and were supposed to be removed right before engine start)



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Thank you all, your answers have been very helpful. Pics are great too, Thanks

Well, knowing all these info, I'll choose to build HSL-42 bird. No need for these additions, and can be build on the deck(USS Hawes).

I wanted to build the colorful one, but nevermind then... Maybe sometime in the future. :cheers:

That being said, I've solved these dilemmas, and now have new ones. :)

1) I am in the search of the helicopter deck of the USS Hawes. USS Hawes (FFG-53) is a OLIVER HAZARD PERRY class frigate, so pics of any of this class frigate is more than wellcome. I am interested in building the whole helipad, so any photo would be helpful... Or at least point me in the right direction where to look for those photos.

2) Tie dow sections. Is there any plan for placement of these tie downs, and what kind of tie downs are used? With 4 spikes?

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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