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Looking for pic's of the M139 Volcano Mine Dispensor

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I was flipping through a copy of the Squadron Walk-Around on the Blackhawk, and I came across a really neat set of pictures for the Volcano Mine dispensing system. The book only has 3 pictures showing the starboard side of a Blackhawk w/ the system mounted.

Here's a scan of whats in the book.


I was wondering if anyone has any other pictures, and any technical info, such as the size of the racks, etc. I think that I may give this a try on the Blackhawk model Ive got, since its very different from what you normally see on a Blackhawk.

Edited by Adam Baker
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Is this thing just really uncommon? I was hoping to get more pictures, but I guess if I do it, I'll just have to wing it and hope its close enough.


This is an absolutely random photo from the Army Aviation Museum that I scanned a while back. I had no idea what the system was, but it looks like your mine dispenser.



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This is an absolutely random photo from the Army Aviation Museum that I scanned a while back. I had no idea what the system was, but it looks like your mine dispenser.



Hey, that's the Edwards flight test bird! That's Gary Anderson, the crew chief, sitting by the fire extinguisher. He latter was our Chief of Maintenance. Airframe is 83-23748, which is now at NASA Ames as NASA 748. We did an entire flight test program, to include icing trials at Duluth. I didn't work this program, but I might have some stuff in my archives.

The system dispenses 5 GATOR mines from each M87 canister. The ground system mounted on a 5 -ton truck or M548. I don't think the airborne version was used much (if at all) in the field. There was also a version of Volcano tested that mounted on the Huey. I've seen video of this thing dispensing mines from a '60 and it is truly impressive

You can download the flight test report from DTIC. It has a diagram with some basic dimensions:


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