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Combat Models 1/32 vacuform kits...

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I've been looking at the Combat Models website and I have to say I'm intrigued by the 1/32 Hs 129, Me 410 and He 219. Fully realizing that these take loads of effort and scratch building to pull off of course.

Anyone have any experiences with these big scale beasts?

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Mike, I don't have any direct experience with them, though I do have their IAR80 kit. There are some great builds of various Combat kits over at LSP. Here's a few recent ones for your perusal:

Ta 154

Ar 234

Westland Whirlwind

He 219 (You really need to check this one out...)


Skyraider Conversion


Yes, they're a bit of work, but they can also be highly rewarding I gather.



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