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had a sod of a day at work today, so good to get some modeling time in ...

Basicaly the interior is finished, just need to put the strop on the starbord side seats and do a little more "busying" around the ramp.





Once it's all buttoned up you should just see a hint of detail, one of the resions for not going overboard on the interior.

Oh and before I forget ... The Marines have a nick name for for this bird... I think it's "Thunder Duck" please correctly me if I'm wrong.


Andrew Mac

Edited by Andrew MacKay
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Andrew, awesome mate. Amazing photography too.........but I guess we expect that from you.

Great to see you back on the Rotors!

Cheers Anthony,

We'll be up your way on the 22nd, going to Hanmer for a break, but will be visiting Wigram for the first time ..

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Build looks great.

Oh and before I forget ... The Marines have a nick name for for this bird... I think it's "Thunder Duck" please correctly me if

Can't say I ever heard that one. The first fleet unit was the Thunder Chickens, could have been a play on words for them.


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Build looks great.

Can't say I ever heard that one. The first fleet unit was the Thunder Chickens, could have been a play on words for them.


Cheers Tank.. so thats what that was about ... found some mention of it on youtube and thought they meant the V-22 it's self... Personaly I think this bird kinda looks like a duck, but then again it resembles a Kakapo as well, only problem it that they are flightless.

Edited by Andrew MacKay
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a little more process... those blades took forever to get right, lots of gaps to fill and masking the spinner hub was a pain. As you can see from the filler the fit really isnt the best.







Off to a little town called Hanmer for a week of sitting in hotpools and doing very little :rofl:



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  • 3 weeks later...

-exelant kit, very comprihencive build - I like the pipe work on the internals.

-interesting colours...........can you explain the 'SEA' type comoflarge ?

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