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VF-111 Sundowner Pilot

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Used the 120mm Verlinden figure. Visor was heat formed clear stock trimmed and painted dark green on the inside. Stripes on the helmet are strips of yellow decal cut under a magnifying glass and applied after red areas were painted in. Patches are scans shrunk on a copier and backed with sand paper to simulate Velcro. Painted with Model Master and Humbrol enamels. Have always liked the Sundowners helmets. The sunburst is really eye catching.





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Thanks, used about 4 different shads of green then drybrushed lightened variations on top then ran thinned Tamyia Smoke in crevices. Painting is my favorite part of modeling.



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Thanks was really fun to paint. Wish someone would do figures in 1/18th scale to go with the new big birds being produced like the JSI F-14.



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Thanks for the kind words. Don't usually do figures but love VF-111 sunburst and wanted that helmet. The facial treatment was just to make him look more human and a little different.



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Hi Mike,

That's a beautifully painted figure. You've managed to achieve so much depth and realism. Top notch stuff.

The hemmet visor looks totally real :blink:

Perhaps a little dark brass dry-brushed over the teeth of the zipper would lift that detail out even more?

Stellar stuff, thanks for sharing. :woot.gif:


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