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He-162 Salamander

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This was a fun little 1/32 kit. Fairly simple. Biggest challenge was getting it to sit on its tricycle landing gear. I added nose weight but after everything was put together- twas still a tail sitter. So I used a small glob of blue-tak under the front wheel to hold her down. You can just see this in the photos.




The only aftermarket I added was the Quick boost Ejection seat, which is a big improvement to an otherwise well-detailed kit. I had to do some minor surgery to cut out the molded-in seat and patch up the rear wall and ejection rails. Other than that- I added small diameter tube to replace the solid plastic gun-barrels. I also closed up the gun bay.


I used the following paints and finishing techniques. This was finished in a RLM 81/82 over 76 cammo

-Tamiya XF-63 German Grey for Interior RLM 66

-Tamiya XF-22 RLM grey for gear and bays. Normally I find this color too dark for RLM02, but this is a late war aircraft so what the hey...

-Tamiya XF-5 + a little white for the RLM 82

-Polyscale 5050070 Brown Violet for RLM 81

-Mr. Color for the RLM 76 undersides

-Gunze Acrylic RLM 04 for the Red on the engine intake

-Brush coat of Future before decalling

-Cut out decal film on individual insignia crosses

-Did a ProModeler wash. There really isn't a lot of panel lines on this bird, I believe due to the very wooden construction of the real thing

-Light paint chipping with a Prismacolor pencil

-The seat cushion and belts were extensively hand-painted and weathered to bring out some interest.

- Tires done with Vallejo Dark Rubber and a dry-brush of Raw Umber

Fun build. I entered it in the 1/32 jet category at the April 2010 Madison, WI IPMS show. I didn't place but there was some STIFF competition! I had a few nice comments from other attendees.

Here's some more pics:





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Thanks for the nice complements all.

I was hoping also for some critical evaluation. Otherwise I woulda posted in the display case section. Feel free to be critical, even on the phitography itself if not the model.

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Hello, it looks very nicely done to me. The kit seems simple like you said, but the finish is very elegant. I especially like the rear of the engine. The only minor feedback I had was perhaps to flatten the tires just a bit to simulate weight. I can't tell from the picture but also the base of the seat may have some runaway paint. These are so minor issues and take nothing away from the awesome finish. As for the photography, some of the pictures look slightly out of focus. Could it be solved using a macro lens? Also, increasing the f-stop might help increase the depth of field.

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Hello, it looks very nicely done to me. The kit seems simple like you said, but the finish is very elegant. I especially like the rear of the engine. The only minor feedback I had was perhaps to flatten the tires just a bit to simulate weight. I can't tell from the picture but also the base of the seat may have some runaway paint. These are so minor issues and take nothing away from the awesome finish. As for the photography, some of the pictures look slightly out of focus. Could it be solved using a macro lens? Also, increasing the f-stop might help increase the depth of field.

thanks, that's just the feedback I'm looking for!

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Now that is SUPERB and the colors and the weathering is FLAWLESS..

Even though you had to improvise regarding the stability, the model is STUNNING... :thumbsup: :D


Edited by HOLMES
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