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Indonesian A-4 Skyhawks

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So I've decided from the (few, mostly blurry) pictures I've seen that I absolutely love the colors that Indonesia's A-4E Skyhawks wore during their service. Does anyone have any source of better pictures (and maybe a walkaround) for the Indonesian Scooter? Does anyone know of any 1/72 decal sheets for these birds?


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Indonesian Skyhawk has 3 kind of camos when serving. The hi-vis blue camo of 11th Sq., hi-vis brown/green camo of 12th Sq. and the latest (untill retirement) low-vis blue camo of 11th Sq.. Which one do you refer to ?

As far as I know, there's no aftermarket decal for Indonesian Skyhawk in any scale.

Edited by Alex Sidharta
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And its a shame as the TNI-AU Scooters were some of the best looking jets ever!

Afew years ago someone in the RNZAF sent me a bunch of pics of their jets after a joint exercise.I know i sent them to Alex Sidharta once,but i'll post them here again maybe...someone will do them oneday.











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Mungo, those are fantastic pictures! Thanks for posting them. You should put them on www.airliners.net so that more people can enjoy them :jaw-dropping:

Well i didn't take any of the images,so i'll not be sending them to airliners.net...infact sadly i can't even remember the guys name who did send them to me.

I know it was one of the Yahoo groups but thats it.

Decal for all the schemes used would be great,a missing link when it comes to A-4 decal sheets.



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It would be tough to do the low-viz ones. The markings have to match the camo colors exactly, and no to modelers are going to use exactly the same colors. I have a TwoBobs aggressor A-4 sheet that's totally useless for that very reason. They apparently printed the markings to exactly match the 1/1 scale FS595 colors, which, if applied to a model, would like like a black hole. So you're pretty much left with a useless decal sheet. Same problem here.


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The markings have to match the camo colors exactly, and no to modelers are going to use exactly the same colors.

Perhaps a set of vinyl masks for the lo-viz markings would be an option.



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It would be tough to do the low-viz ones. The markings have to match the camo colors exactly, and no to modelers are going to use exactly the same colors. I have a TwoBobs aggressor A-4 sheet that's totally useless for that very reason. They apparently printed the markings to exactly match the 1/1 scale FS595 colors, which, if applied to a model, would like like a black hole. So you're pretty much left with a useless decal sheet. Same problem here.


Still possible to do the other Skyhawks I quoted above - for these you don't have that kind of problem as all markings are high-viz.

As for 2Bobs, he do tend to screw things up, both in size and color. Shame actually, as some of the decals he make could be very good otherwise. Even if it is the printer that screws up the color, the quality check should catch it.

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Very nice batch photos there! Often I don't get to see a lot of the Indonesian Scooters on the net and the legendary A-4 is often downplayed by more advanced aircraft such as the Flankers, F-16s and F-15s in service in the South-East Asian region. Thanks for sharing these photos once again.

Twobobs, AB decals. Can we have a release on Indo Scooters please? :D

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Yeah... maybe someday, decal for this legendary aircraft will be released. Before the real aircrafts gone forever...

Anybody interested in releasing one ?

Hi Alex,

I don't see any major problem. If only I could have the whole scheme & colors details, it would be a real pleasure to cover these birds (all 3 schemes) in 1/72 and 1/48 scales... :thumbsup:

BTW: The same would be possible with TNI-AU F-5E/Fs (hi- and low-viz) :)




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I don't see any major problem. If only I could have the whole scheme & colors details, it would be a real pleasure to cover these birds (all 3 schemes) in 1/72 and 1/48 scales... :)

BTW: The same would be possible with TNI-AU F-5E/Fs (hi- and low-viz) :)


Could someone help the guy plplplplplease ?

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Very very nice indeed............Indonesian Scooters wear some of the nicer schemes on the scooter..............

Pls someone make decals...........it will be lovely to see


Built this with sometime back with custom decals


mr b

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That is very nice, Mr. B. Which kit?

Hi Don

Thanks, Its the Hasegawa A-4E with the Hobbycraft exhaust extensions and the ESCI Defa cannons....................


Mr B

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It would be tough to do the low-viz ones. The markings have to match the camo colors exactly, and no to modelers are going to use exactly the same colors. I have a TwoBobs aggressor A-4 sheet that's totally useless for that very reason. They apparently printed the markings to exactly match the 1/1 scale FS595 colors, which, if applied to a model, would like like a black hole. So you're pretty much left with a useless decal sheet. Same problem here.


Some of our skyhawks have black insignias and fin-art applied just a few month before their retirement in 2004. I think that will make our life easier... :rolleyes:

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Some of our skyhawks have black insignias and fin-art applied just a few month before their retirement in 2004. I think that will make our life easier... :thumbsup:

Ooh! On what scheme? Any pics?



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