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Different Fuel tanks in F-15E's

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Hey guys

I was searching the web, and found couple of Strike Eagle pictures that has the standard fuel tank, painted gunship gray, aaand another tank, painted either gull gray or some sort... anyway, i thought these were fuel tanks from maybe an F-15C or something of the like, but looking at more pictures i see that this different fuel tank has a flat end to it..

Demonstrated here:


Does somebody have full pictures of these fuel tanks? I need to modify the one in the 1/48th eagle from Revell so it is accurate :( Thanks for your time!

Edited by Lock n' Load
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Hey Lock n' Load!

The tank in question is a WRM(war reserve material) tank, color is Light Ghost Grey and you can find some pics on http://www.f-15e.info/joomla/en/phoca-galleries, most under Iraqi Freedom gallery. The best pic in which you can see clearly the back of this tank you'll find by typing "f-15e wrm fuel tanks" in Google search, should be the 7th result, posted on the 'other' forum :(.



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As I said in that other thread, pics of the whole tank are not easy to come by. I'm working on getting a master done for a resin company, but even that is going to be a "guestimate" of what the tanks look like for real, pieced together from the pics I do have. Wish I could be more help, but I've searched for years (literally) for good pics of the whole tank, and come up empty. That is the one thing I don't like about Jake's book...he didn't get me good pics of the WRM tanks. Shame on him. :yahoo:


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The first pic is an AvLeak pic of a Desert Storm jet with a "nestable" under the right wing, the next two are official AF photos that were posted at Strikeeagle.com.






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