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This is wonderful (and long awaited for us quarter scalers) news! The only question I have is will you also be doing the C-2 Trader and the E-1 Tracer? I know you'll be doing more than one version of the Stoof (assuming that your past practice holds true with this kit as well), so I am only "concerned" with the other versions. Congratulations though, Kinetic is rapidly becoming my "go-to" model company!


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Wonder if we can get Squadron to do a Walk Around for it, in time?

Is that an S-2E? I have to admit knowing little about the differant types of Stoofs

No this is an S-2A (S2F-1), based on the ECM DF pod on top of the fuselage and the short forward fuselage.

Edited by DonSS3
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Is that going to be resin or injection molded? What price range are we looking at? How many parts? Are you supplying markings?


(DND photo, public domain)

THATS the one I intend to do, and the retirement grey on grey.

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Is that going to be resin or injection molded? What price range are we looking at? How many parts? Are you supplying markings?


(DND photo, public domain)

THATS the one I intend to do, and the retirement grey on grey.

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The Canadian version differed from the US version, so don't hold your breath to make a RCN Tracker, unless you're going to convert yourself. The engine nacells were shorter and the radar on top of the cockpit we didn't have, which could be easily removed or not installed at all.


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Somehow I have a feeling that Kinetic will accommodate multiple countries airframes as well as USN types. Think of the shear number of users let alone those who actually flew them off carriers. If at all possible I cannot picture them leaving that big of a chunk of the market to the aftermarket.

Holland - carrier

Canada - carrier

Brazil - carrier

Argentina - carrier

Australia - carrier


USN - carrier


and I am sure I am leaving some out in Latin America and Asia (was it Thailand or South Korea....) And that is without looking at Wiki!

Then you have firefighters and Turbo Trackers (Brazil). So perhaps it's not a huge market but it is one spread widely over the globe

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