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VAQ-138's new EA-18G CAG bird

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W T F? CAG-15 tailcodes? Whats up with that?

In exchange for the AF providing the cash for the recently signed multi-year buy of additional G's which provides enough G airframes for the expeditionary and reserve squadrons....Expeditionary squadrons are the priority for the G. Kind of like selling your soul to the Devil....


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In exchange for the AF providing the cash for the recently signed multi-year buy of additional G's which provides enough G airframes for the expeditionary and reserve squadrons....Expeditionary squadrons are the priority for the G. Kind of like selling your soul to the Devil....


"You take the good with the bad, that's the fact's of life ..." :thumbsup:


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Yep. They are in the conversion process right now. Maintainers have been scatters to Oceanbanana and Lemoore, while aircrew are starting to role through the syllabus. Some of VAQ-130's folks as well have come home early and are starting classes as well. I ran across a few down here in Lemoore, where I am finishing up before heading back to the Ravens.

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I hear next VAQ-135'll use EA-18G .

VAQ-135 held their change of command / decommissioning on Thursday, 14 Oct.

Here's a couple pictures of VAQ-135's last EA-6B, when the picture was taken it had already been transfered to VAQ-129 and was in the middle of an acceptance / phase inspection.




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  • 8 months later...

:soapbox: :wub: :wub: Ohhhh Brian....Mike.....are ya watchin and listenin'....ummmmm Yellow Jackets!!!!

Well I've got the Yellowjackets scheme in your "West Coast" sheet...,but so far as posted pics out there,as of late June,the CAG bird hasn't been done in a "desert" toned down scheme as the 5 arrived at Aviano...!!?

I'd give a link.., but that's taboo here so just google EA-18G,VAQ-138,photos and you'll find another forum in the UK that has them!!



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Just a nitpick, but should not this aircraft be called an EA-18A? Or, if you prefer, an F-18G, or F/A-18G, or even EF/A-18A. Not EF-18G. There were no EF-18A, B, C, D, and E models. The A-6 did not go to a G when when they built an ECM version. However, the F-105 did go to a G for ECM, as did the F-4. Then the Raven went to EF-111. Go figure.

They could at least be consistent, within a service, at least.

Edited by DutyCat
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Technically, it's a G because it is a series upgrade to the airframe, which is really just a collection of airframe/engineering changes to the design....cases in point, current build E's and F's do not incorporate the airframe mods, yet the last batch of Australian F's do.

However, what really matters is that the oversight (i.e. how much you need to show requirements for a change) and $$ available are different for an AFC, ECP or series update per the FAR's. (Acquisition not Aviation B) )


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It is a G since all Northup/Grumman and Boeing did was basically pull all the F weapon system components out add in additional wiring and configure the ALQ-218 system to be plugged in the place of everything that makes it an F. If the Navy wanted to convert any of those frames back from an ECM bird it would take some simple time in a NavAirDepot to unplug all of the hyds and electricals for the guns, pull the pods off and uncap the wiring, slam on the pylons for the AIM-9 to the wingtips. Bam! There you go a G model. Oh, Wait! The RAAF is doing that right now!

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Technically, it's a G because it is a series upgrade to the airframe, which is really just a collection of airframe/engineering changes to the design....cases in point, current build E's and F's do not incorporate the airframe mods, yet the last batch of Australian F's do.

Ok, then call it an F-18G. Like the F-105G or the F-4G.

Or....call it an EF-18A, like the EA-6A. One or the other. My point is it is NOT the G model of the EA-18. You never heard of a EA-4G did you? What would that be...a Skyhawk...or a Phantom?

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I've heard of the EA-3B and EA-7L ...

There already is an EF-18A/B, that's what Spain designates their Legacy Hornets ...


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