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Kinetic 1/48 Grumman S-2E Tracker to S-2A conversion

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Hi all,

I dropped EVERYTHING when this kit arrived on my doorstep. I have been waiting too long for a 1/48 Stoof (30 years of wishing / hoping?). Now that it has arrived I started it right away. Raymond Chung announced an S-2A variant will be released soon (along with a C-1A), but I will not wait. Since I have the S-2E now, I might as well convert it to an S-2A myself.

This means:

Removing a portion of the fuselage behind the cockpit, resize the horizontal stabilizers, en squaring off the wingtips. Also a few mm should be removed from the rear fuselage, but I will skip that as it is hardly noticable. So far, everything points at a near perfect fit of the parts. I am really impressed! Details is crisp. Wingroot to fuselage fit is excellent (not glued in photo, like the engine pod, just loose fit).





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I have to admit, I sighed when I placed the razor saw on it, but once done it wasn't that much of a deal after all. After looking at photos a lot, I cut off a little shy of 5mm, right behind the rim that will hold the cockpit bulkhead. There! I did it!. Now I am looking at an optically-correct (based on the prop-line) Grummen S2F-1 Tracker fuselage. The sexiest ASW aircraft ever....especially in Dutch Sky / EDSG.

Next will be resizing the bomb-bay, dressing up the cockpit, and closing the fuselage.



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Mooi werk Leon!

Nice work! If all goes well a Dutch Profile will appear:


Are you scaling up the decals for the Dutch version? And which base? Valkenburg (V), Doorman (D; aircraft carrier) or Hato (H)?

I don't have decals yet, I will source from different sheets. I have a Doorman Tracker in mind, but Hato is also fine. I will go through my photo collection to find a sweet one to depict. I suppose Dutch Decal or Flevo decals will desing 1/48 Tracker sets soon (espacially since a real 1/48 S-2A is in the works at Kinetic).



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I don't have decals yet, I will source from different sheets. I have a Doorman Tracker in mind, but Hato is also fine. I will go through my photo collection to find a sweet one to depict. I suppose Dutch Decal or Flevo decals will desing 1/48 Tracker sets soon (espacially since a real 1/48 S-2A is in the works at Kinetic).



Hi Leon,

That is the idea. But the profile is scheduled for the 2nd half of 2011 (I know this since I'm writing and researching for it). Doorman is of course fabulous. Do you have the website of Smaldeel 5?


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Hi Leon,

That is the idea. But the profile is scheduled for the 2nd half of 2011 (I know this since I'm writing and researching for it). Doorman is of course fabulous. Do you have the website of Smaldeel 5?


Yes, I visit that site regularly. Interesting photos and stories. I think I will paint her as 170/D, with yelow prop tips. The fuselage and wing stubs are on. Seams are cleaned up, and panel lines re-drawn where neccassary. Next will be scratchine the sonobouy ejectors in the nacelles. Let's see if I can make them better than Kinetic. Dutch Trackers had eight ejectors per nacelle, not 14 like the kit parts. The landing gear is also assembled, and I added a few brake lines. Do you know if the prop blades were silver or light grey? I can't tell from the color photos.

I am looking forward to the new Profile, I bought all of them. Will a decal sheet also be issued at the same time?




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Yes? Maybe not quite silver... (And this picture is early on, about 1956/7.) The blades were the same color on the back side.


Thanks. I had forgotten about that photo. The props look the same as on Dutch Trackers. Looks like I will opt for aluminium (except for the two-shade appearance).



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Did a little scratching today: a replacement sonobouy ejector. Needs a little more cleanup. The top part was already modified by me, Dutch Trackers had only eight sonobouys per nacelle instead of 14 on the -E.


Loosely installed to check fit (it will be slightly recessed inside the nacelle eventually):


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Today in installed the sonobouy ejectors. First I removed the original bulkhead with the dremel, and then sinply inserted the scratch-built ones. By removing the bulkhead one adds depth. Looks good!



Next was the bombbay. I chose to close it up. The door is straight, but the fuselage is a little curved. I installed a few shims for it to rest om, and glued the door in stages, letting it dry in the best position before moving on. Fit here is really good with minimal effort.



Next I dressed up the seats a bit with painted Tamiya tape, en buckles from electric wire. After inserting them I closed the cockpit. Oh, did I mention fit is really good?





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Excellent work. For completeness, there should be an additional center console in the cockpit just behind the one you have. It folded up toward the instrument panel so it was easier to get into and out of the seats. Also, that rectangular opening in the nose above the air intake appears to be where the ILS antenna was located as a late mod on trainers and CODs. I think it should be filled in.

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Excellent work. For completeness, there should be an additional center console in the cockpit just behind the one you have. It folded up toward the instrument panel so it was easier to get into and out of the seats. Also, that rectangular opening in the nose above the air intake appears to be where the ILS antenna was located as a late mod on trainers and CODs. I think it should be filled in.

Thanks very much! Yes I will fill in that opening, the antenna was not present on Dutch Trackers. I am afraid I already closed the cockpit...that additional console will have to wait for my next Tracker, which WILL come in the future.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Still lots to do, but some progress. This kit is an excellent base for an S-2A, but a lot of smaller details need attention. I still have to do a lot of them. Wingtip lights, various antennae on top, etc. I used Xtracolor Sky and EDSG.





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  • 1 month later...

This is just one beautiful model! I hope you post a lot of photos of the finished model. I was noticing the lower cowling scoops. Did these S2F-1s receive constant speed generators? I know none of the American ones did. Only the S2F-3s. The paint on your model is just outstanding! I can wait to see what it looks like with markings!


Alan Weber

S2F mechanic and kinetic Tracker builder!

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Yes, I visit that site regularly. Interesting photos and stories. I think I will paint her as 170/D, with yelow prop tips. The fuselage and wing stubs are on. Seams are cleaned up, and panel lines re-drawn where neccassary. Next will be scratchine the sonobouy ejectors in the nacelles. Let's see if I can make them better than Kinetic. Dutch Trackers had eight ejectors per nacelle, not 14 like the kit parts. The landing gear is also assembled, and I added a few brake lines. Do you know if the prop blades were silver or light grey? I can't tell from the color photos.

I am looking forward to the new Profile, I bought all of them. Will a decal sheet also be issued at the same time?




Hi Leon, yes decals will be produced along with the Profile. And regarding the props: a pic from the Dutch MLM should help (or the Smaldeel 5 site). They are silver gray (flat aluminum) with a black lining and yellow tips, or silver grey, black lining and white - red - white tips.

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