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Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-301

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Hello jennings, searching with Google was the first thing I tried... but unfortunately without any useful result.

only photos from long distance and poor detail... as this:


if you can find some closed up and where you can see the details (ammunition drum and other inside parts) I would be grateful to you

Edited by Alpagueur
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It is not clear what details you are looking for. There is not much to be seen on the gun, but anyway here is a photo of the gun. A lot of publications have excellent photos of both the gun in and out of the aircraft. An excellent such photo is in the Zlinek publication on the MiG-29. There is also on the back cover a photo of the "drum" raised into its bay. This is still one of the best background booklets on the Fulcrum both with its photos and the excellent and almost 100% perfect scale drawings. Well recommended!!!


The ammo "drum" is not a drum in a traditional way but a simple rectangular box (150 rounds of ammo in it) under the cockpit on the left side next to the nose gear. In a publication of the Kecskemet AF base there was a photo of the armorers adding the 30 mm ammo into the "drum".


Hope this is of help.

Best regards


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Hello Gabor many thanks for the first pics!

Have you got a further one from the opposite side?

I was looking for the ammo (and gun) bay on the Flanker... this is the only pic I've found (on the Walk Around):


but it is very confusing, and just as you said it does not seem a real ammunition compartment with a big drum (as on the F-14 and the F-16) but just a small opening... and for more on the opposite side of the cannon!

best regards,


Edited by Alpagueur
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The ammo "drum" is not a drum in a traditional way but a simple rectangular box (150 rounds of ammo in it) under the cockpit on the left side next to the nose gear.

You mean this one?


it's a Su-37 cutaway drawing... in the Su-27/Su-33 the position of that box is the same? any pics? thanks.

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The ammunition box is actually winched up into the aircraft. The photo in Zlinek shows it perfectly. As to the Su-27 I have no idea, we dont have any of them.

Best regards


where can I find/buy the Zlinek book you mentioned? many thanks.

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where can I find/buy the Zlinek book you mentioned? many thanks.

It will be not easy, try ebay or some Czech or Slovak forums. They could still have some copies of it. It was published some time ago, in 1992. Its an A4 format booklet with some 76 pages, printed on high quality gloss paper. It was far ahead of its time. It is well worth every penny!

Best regards


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