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Kittyhawk 1/48 Mig-25

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  • 2 months later...

I am very excited for this release to say the LEAST!

[joking] But, in the spirit of nitpicking everything that comes along [/joking]: They really need to set a different mood with that box art, that doesn't say Soviet Russia to me, that looks more like a central Florida summer evening. I want a harsh winter setting for my Soviet box art :P

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They really need to set a different mood with that box art, that doesn't say Soviet Russia to me, that looks more like a central Florida summer evening.

Well, the USSR was a pretty big and climatically diverse place... ;)



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Yeah, yeah, go be all logical and stomp all over my stereotype ;)

Box art jokes aside - I hope this continues the trend of improvements from KH, can't wait to see the real thing!

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I can't *ever* recall seeing MiG-25 with green nose and dielectric panels outside museum. So this is highly promising accuracy wise. (NOT)

OMG please tell me you are joking !

Let me guess, based on the "artwork" you will be one of those who will nitpick this to death.

We FINALLY have a new tool 1/48 FOXBAT and yet that won't be good enough.

I can say based on the KH kits I have, they are not 100% accurate but they are certainly better than what we had before.

I cannot to wait to see what happens when the sprue shots are released. I suspect once this will quickly become a "burn the kit" thread.

Me thinks it is time to create a NITPICKERS forum, that way those of use who enjoy tweaking or heaven forbid actually building a kit can do so without feeling guilty or having to put up with nitpicking diatribes.

I respect those who constructively suggest fixes to kits but have no use for those who slam kits or berate those of us who are willing to tolerate some inaccuracies. Ninety nine point nine nine percent of these kits will be built and put on shelves to gather dust and will never see public light.

So please, let us try and keep this thread civil and constructive.

Feel free to flame me if you will.


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It's a valid point that Berkut makes about the accuracy of the box art. I was trying to be funny in my comment about winter, but this is an EASILY avoidable mistake. Hopefully it doesn't point to further accuracy mistakes in the kit (like French weapons in a British version).

Pointing out a mistake is okay, but the editorializing is what needs to be avoided.

I too am very glad that we're getting a MiG-25, it will certainly be better than the Revell kit as the ONLY other option. Pointing out easily corrected flaws are okay as well, as this is something that's an obvious miss.

Finding the balance between constructive criticism (which the box art miss is valid) and over-editorialization is sometimes tough...

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OMG please tell me you are joking !

Let me guess, based on the "artwork" you will be one of those who will nitpick this to death.

We FINALLY have a new tool 1/48 FOXBAT and yet that won't be good enough.

I can say based on the KH kits I have, they are not 100% accurate but they are certainly better than what we had before.

I cannot to wait to see what happens when the sprue shots are released. I suspect once this will quickly become a "burn the kit" thread.

Me thinks it is time to create a NITPICKERS forum, that way those of use who enjoy tweaking or heaven forbid actually building a kit can do so without feeling guilty or having to put up with nitpicking diatribes.

I respect those who constructively suggest fixes to kits but have no use for those who slam kits or berate those of us who are willing to tolerate some inaccuracies. Ninety nine point nine nine percent of these kits will be built and put on shelves to gather dust and will never see public light.

So please, let us try and keep this thread civil and constructive.

Feel free to flame me if you will.


Okay, now who's berating whom?

Frankly, no one cares who you've got use for or don't. If we want to talk inaccuracies, we will. You are, however, free not to read these comments. Some people like to talk about plastic. Other people like to talk about people talking over plastic. Play the ball, not the man.

Also, you can't just rant against people and, when you've come off the soapbox, ask everyone to keep it civil and constructive. It just doesn't work that way. It's either soapboxes for everyone or for no one.

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Those are still gray. One of the places that this myth is propagated is the color profiles in the "Red Star" series, v.34 specifically on the MiG-25. All the color profiles show the dielectric green color for the radome and fin panels, yet the photos all show something different. Not sure why, but the whole book makes that mistake. I suspect the earlier Aerofax title covering both the MiG-25 and MiG-31 made the same mistake, as that used a lot of the same photos and content...

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OMG please tell me you are joking !

Let me guess, based on the "artwork" you will be one of those who will nitpick this to death.

What on *earth* would make you say or think that? When did pointing out an *obvious* and glaring error, even if it is just the painting on the box, become "nitpicking to death"? What *doesn't* qualify as nitpicking to you? If it were a MiG-67 in the box instead of a MiG-25, would that be nitpicking if someone pointed it out?

For crying out loud, have we become such a nation of cry babies that we can't stand even the *slightest* (perfectly valid) criticism?


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Here's a couple shots to help with your recall. :touche:/>/>/>/>

Mig-25 Green Radome



I will not claim anything either way on second shot other than it being too horrible to make out anything, but as to the first shot:


I should have said i have never seen green nosed operational MiG-25, prototypes are besides the point since the boxart or the kit isn't meant for any of them.


And it is not unfair to have a healthy dose of skepticism towards Kitty Hawk's kits considering their track record. Their newest release for instance (Gripen) include decals for a version you can't build oob. Of course it isn't really a problem as you simply can not use those decals, but it shows laziness they have displayed time after time.

Edited by Berkut
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For crying out loud, have we become such a nation of cry babies that we can't stand even the *slightest* (perfectly valid) criticism?

I think where some people draw the line isn't the perfectly valid criticism, but rather the editorializing that tends to come as part and parcel of these boards (and it's any board, any topic, dating back to usenet so far as I can tell). The "So this is highly promising accuracy wise. (NOT)" types of comments (and I'm not picking on you Berkut, as there's another member on the boards here that is far more opinionated in his criticisms) are what I think the other poster was commenting on.

If there was more stating of the facts, and less hyperbole (and seriously folks, I'm talking in generalities here, not necessarily this thread), then the criticisms would seem more constructive, and the modelers would be in a better position to chose whether or not that particular issue is worth correcting for their project.

Guys, this isn't going away, for those that have been around the modeling internet as long as I have (and Jennings is definitely one of them), you can chart this back to delays in the Accurate Miniatures Avenger, the 2mm length issue on the Hasegawa Spitfire Fuselage, the original "Horribly Misshapen Monstrosity" over the A-6 tail, to pretty much every release since. There are going to be criticisms, it just comes with the territory.

And they are needed, some companies really adapt and listen - GWH's updates on the MiG-29 are a great case in point. Thus far though, KH seems to just want to do things their way, and if that's working for them, and they're making money, then oh well, that's their business.

I for one am just grateful I'm getting a vastly better starting point for the MiG-25.

So to sum this up:

more FACTS, less OPINION

Just sayin'

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Yeah, that's too bad. Since the artwork shows some artist's impression of a Mig-25 you have no choice but to paint it that way. Darn. If I was allowed to paint it the way I wanted to I might get one.

Oh well. Maybe they'll release a kit with retooled artwork. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed! :pray:/>

Edited by Fly-n-hi
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I think there are several posters here who have a severely inflated opinion of the value of there own importance with regard to piling criticism upon kits and new decals.

If it doesnt conform with what they know it cant possibly be correct.

Cant wait for this one i think i can live with the green nose illl leave the guys who dont like green noses some Revell kits to paint grey..

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Of course it doesnt mean you have to paint it green, although i am sure some people out there will do so. But nice excuse to go childish of course.

As said, it just shows general laziness. And while it is nice we will finally be rid of the pre-historic dog of a kit Revell MiG-25, doesn't mean that KH should make it half proper and cut corners. Anyway, i dont feel need to explain myself, we will see how the plastic ends up.

Release is scheduled to be at the end of July 2013.

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A new tool 1/48 Foxbat is a welcome sight. I'd like to do one with the Marking for Viktor Belenko's MiG-25P defection bird (preferably with 4 Acrids loaded). If memory serves when he first defected Hasegawa :hmmm:/> put out a kit in 72nd with those markings.

Added: :hmmm: You know forums like Hyperscale, LSP, Britmodeler, and this one; not to belittle or demean others not mentioned could be just what folks like KH are looking for. They put it out that a new release is forthcoming with no definite date, and in these forums its :yahoo: :yahoo: :banana: :banana: , and look what we got coming or :bandhead2: :bandhead2: :explode: :explode: look at what they're gonna give us this time; all the while this is exactly what they want for those unpaid opinions to get bandied back and forth like a tennis ball, providing them with feedback free of any charges, and time enough to check their info and make any changes they think necessary for a more accurate and sellable product; before the production run starts. It would be fools folly not to use info from folks who for the most part have good intel; not necessarily total and complete; on the overall article, but would be useful for model accuracy. However getting correct info and on a given project is still no guarantee what hits the shelves will be [all that]. How a kit goes together is another matter the Italeri Tornado GR1 (not to trash them) is a good example. A good in-box review, ease of assembly is a whole different affair.

Edited by #1 Greywolf
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Of course it doesnt mean you have to paint it green, although i am sure some people out there will do so. But nice excuse to go childish of course.

As said, it just shows general laziness. And while it is nice we will finally be rid of the pre-historic dog of a kit Revell MiG-25, doesn't mean that KH should make it half proper and cut corners. Anyway, i dont feel need to explain myself, we will see how the plastic ends up.

Release is scheduled to be at the end of July 2013.

Well, the box says it's MiG-25, not-25P or PD or PDS, so they must've played it safe and make it a general version release for everyone to figure out what exactly they want to build out of it.

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Wait, wait, wait...there are issues with Revell's kit!?!?!?!?! Why didn't someone tell me before I started it 6 1/2 years ago... I'm excited to realize that a July release should give me enough time to finish my Revell one and start another before the KH is released :) Oh, yeah, I will be buying one even though I have 10-12 Revell ones in the stash.

The Aerofax and Red Star books both share those crazy profiles with the greens...

That being said, I have seen pictures (which cannot be posted here) from a FSU operator that clearly had a green tinted radome (didn't look like it was painted green, more like it was some odd wearing of the paint down to some underlying color). That could be the cause of some of the previous incorrect color profiles.



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