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F-18 Super Hornet intake painting question

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Hey guys,

I'm working on an F-18 super hornet and I'm having trouble painting the intakes. As you may know, the intakes are not white from the beginning, but rather the leading edges of the intakes are still gray. This is a relatively good photo to describe the intake:


Notice how the right side, top side, and bottom of the intake are gray at the beginning.

My question is concerning the right side. It is not white from the beginning, however, I cannot find any photo that can show me how far this gray extends back. Does anybody have sources or an idea of how far back it would go?



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Hi Jerry,

If it's the Hasegawa 1/48 kit you're building - the way the kit intake is assembled already indicates the borders between the grey and the white. I speak under correction here.

For the Revell or other kits I used THIS to find the demarcation line just aft of the strake on the outer wall.

Hope that helps


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I had the same problem and solved it as follows: You already have three sides of a square: Assume the last side is a straight line joining the two loose ends and Bob's your uncle :) Note that if you can't find any picture of this side of the intake it is simply because it is at an awkward angle to look at due to the front fuselage. It will be the same in your model and so not many people will see what is there anyway ;)


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