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Having been seduced away from my beloved Flankers by the F-89 Scorpion... I have now made three of them....


.... and with two more (F-89B & F-89H) to make, my thoughts have turned to making the very different prototype XF-89.

I have a few reference books - but none of them shows the configuration in these two photos :



This iteration has a bullet fairing on the tail/fin intersection - and it looks like the rear cockpit is filled with instruments....

What are you guys thoughts on doing a conversion ???

So far I have identified....

Leave off tip tanks

Replace 'decelerons' with conventional ailerons (not sure if they look any different?)

Make new, shorter nose and add probe

Modify cockpit to single-seater??

Remove auxiliary blow-in doors from intakes.

Fill in holes left by removal of 'sugar scoop' exhausts

Re-shape lower fuselage behind exhausts ???

Do I need to re-shape the engine nacelles ??

Add bullet fairing.

Do I need to make a new canopy - or can I use the kit item ???

Source red markings.

I would be grateful for any input - anything I have missed ??

Thanks in anticipation...



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Hi Ken,

Canopy and windscreen were different. Windscreen was not raked back as much as the production version, making the bow higher. Also, the canopy seems to peak at the middle bow, between the two cockpits, then only very slightly taper down before making a much sharper curve down to the spine behind the aft cockpit. On the production aircraft the peak of the canopy seems to be over or just in front of the pilot's seat, and then the canopy more smoothly tapers back and down to the spine. A lot less headroom for both crew, especially the back seater.

Engine nacelles will require some rework, mainly on the open ends. Intake was different, and exhaust end looks less tapered to my eye. Have you this pic? I have a larger and clearer version saved to my confuser, but can't find where I dug it out of at the moment.

I would love a large, clear version of the fourth pic down the left-hand side from here (parked, taken from port forward). Hard to get shapes from pics of a glossy black jet!

Edited by LanceB
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It's not much, but it's all I have....

Hope that helps,


Wow !!! thanks a million, Tony - very helpful :worship: :worship:

This is what I love about ARC - everyone is so helful and giving.... :thumbsup:

Some great close-ups of the intakes and rear undersides/exhaust area showing the mods needed.

The two photos of the prototype with a bullet fairing are interesting - they aren't in any of the publications I have.

It also looks like its a single-seater ???

The configuration obviously didn't last very long - but it's one I'd like to do as it is the most different.

It looks like I'll have to crash-mould a canopy and source some spoked nosewheels.... :bandhead2: .... as well as all the other changes.

Thinks..... I wonder if a Matchbox Meteor NF.14 canopy would work ???

Time to sit back and think it through.

Thanks to all.


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Thinks..... I wonder if a Matchbox Meteor NF.14 canopy would work ???

Ooh - now that's an interesting thought! I have an F-89 in the stash that I got just to do the XF (and thanks for those pics Tony!), I had initially contemplated an F-15B/D/E canopy, but it isn't flat enough along the top in profile. But the NF.14 - that does look fairly similar to what is needed!

As for the bullet fairing, that was probably an unsuccessful attempt to solve the Scorpion's elevator flutter problems, obviously didn't work, though.

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As for the bullet fairing, that was probably an unsuccessful attempt to solve the Scorpion's elevator flutter problems, obviously didn't work, though.

I've just purchased the Aerofax book on the F-89 - and there is a single close-up B&W photo showing the bullet - with the caption..."XF-89, 46-678, empennage assembly close-up: bullet fairing was an experimental effort to smooth air flow and inhibit flutter"

Like you say, it obviously didn't work, as they later fitted external, later internal weights.

Some good close-ups of the intakes and usable photos of the exhausts - looks like a major rework is needed on the lower fuselage round those exhausts.

Should be fun...


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So. Now that basically perfect kit of Flanker has been released (and you have waited like 30 years for that) you are building... not flankers. I am disappointed in you Ken, deeply disappointed. :woot.gif:

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So. Now that basically perfect kit of Flanker has been released (and you have waited like 30 years for that) you are building... not flankers. I am disappointed in you Ken, deeply disappointed. :woot.gif:/>

:rofl: Berkut, you have a way with words... I was kind of thinking the same thing, but also at the same time thinking, "Wow, Ken likes other airplanes????"

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I'm sorry guys - it's just a passing flirtation...... :wub:/>

As soon as a new Flanker kit is released, I'll drop the Scorpion like the floozy she is.....



Better form a production line of Su-35S'...

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Meanwhile..... back at the XF-89.

Would you guys agree with me that this photo shows it at one stage being flown with the rear cockpit covered over and filled with test 'gubbins' ???


Help me out here.


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