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Painting the 1:144 TU-95 Bear

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I don't have much lock with metalizer paints anyhow, so I'm even more hesitant as I get set to paint my 144th scale bear. I'm wondering if I would be better off - due to the scale - to avoid metalizer and just shoot it with a lightly white-washed silver. I should say that I airbrush model master enamels mostly.

What do you guys think?

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I had searched airliners.net for a bear in a gray scheme but didn't have any success. I knew they were out there though. Thanks for the reference. I tried to visit your site and couldn't reverse the image link for an index, and your flankers.co.uk didn't have this image posted. Do you have more reference shots? I notice that, at least the forward nacelles are white and it looks like the leading edge of the tail is a darker gray. I wonder about the wing surfaces.

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Here's another one from MAKS 2007.... named after the city of 'Great Novgorod'



I found these by searching for 'Tu-95MS Novgorod'......




Note that this is a Tu-95MS - I don't know what variant you are making.

Plus - there are probably other grey-painted Bears with other city names...

Hope this helps...


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