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Best Triple Ejector Rack (TER) in 1/32 scale?

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I don't know about the Tamiya ones, but I had a pair of the OOP Meteor ones and found a problem with them. The shoulder racks had an angle of about 60 degrees from the horizontal. I checked a list I have that gives the specifications for numerous MERs and TERs and they all had ejection angles of 45-48 degrees. So, that is something to look for with whatever rack you're using. It was fixable by fashioning wedges where the racks attach to the main structure of the rack. The 45 degee angle is important so that the bomb fins have the +x+ orientation when viewed from behind.

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Hi Jim, maybe could you explain the "problem" with the help of a picture/photo?

many thanks...

p.s. Tamiya F-4C/D and F-4J (USMC) kits have two TERs inside

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Does anybody know if the TAC Scale ones are from the same molds as the Meteor ones?



Hi Scout, if I remember correctly they were CAM dudes (not Meteor) to incorporate the TAC Scale molds

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I didn't take any pictures while correcting my TERs, but I have a MER with the same issue. Here is the package:


Here is what you're trying to accomplish (this is obviously the TER). MERs and TERs were designed to accommodate the M117 750-lb bomb. If the angle of the side racks isn't 45 degrees, you're going to have increasing difficulty getting three bombs to fit and their fins at the back won't have the +x+ appearance they need.


Here's a picture of a real MER (actually I think it's an MBR, but the geometry's the same:


Here is the problem. Not a great picture, but you can see that the total angle created by the beam is less than 90 degrees, which is what it should be.


My solution was to add tiny wedges to these locations and then file them down until the total angle was 90 degrees before attaching the racks. By the front set, you'll need to add a tiny bit to the bottom of the fairings and remove a bit from the top (you'll see what I mean when you start fixing the problem).


Another issue I found was the need to remove the small tabs at either end of the racks as that's where the sway braces go. If you don't do this the bombs will be too far away from the rack.


Here's a picture of a real rack on a TER-9 on an A-10:


The Cutting Edge directions mention attaching the sway braces to the bomb before attaching them to the rack; a HIGHLY recommended technique. Just glue the sway braces to the bomb 2.4mm from and in line with the suspension lugs. Stores weighing 1,000-lb or less have 14" suspension (including Mk 83-based weapons), more than that use 30" suspension (including MERs & TERs). Sway braces are at 20" spacing (nominally) for both. Note the mm conversions are for 1:32 ONLY!


Hopefully this will clarify my earlier comments. :)

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wow Jim, thanks a lot for the comprehensive explanation! B)

You talk about M 117 bombs but the picture you showed says CBU-52B (SUU-30) bombs (where come they from?)

Could Vietnam USN F-4s carry up to 3X CBU-52B simultaneously on each inner wing TER? (those bombs seem very big)

I've found another pic that shows the + alignment you mean:



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Some 1/32 SUU-30 CBUs are available:


They have them in 1/48 as well. The US Navy used the earlier pointy nosed SUU-30/CBU-24 early in the Vietnam war before going with the Mk-20 Rockeye as CBU of choice. Here are a couple of Israeli F-4Es with CBUs:




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You talk about M 117 bombs but the picture you showed says CBU-52B (SUU-30) bombs (where come they from?)

Could Vietnam USN F-4s carry up to 3X CBU-52B simultaneously on each inner wing TER? (those bombs seem very big)

Yes, three SUU-30s could be carried on a TER, but that seems to have been less common than 'flat' loads of two on a TER or four on a MER. I think if they thought they might have to maneuver defensively they only took two, but if the SAM/MiG threat was low they'd go with three--but that's just my guess. The models in the picture are the Wingman ones, which are actually SUU-30H/Bs, not B/Bs as advertised. AMS also does 1:32 SUU-30B/Bs and H/Bs. I'll be posting a review on SUU-30s soon.

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wow guys thanks a lot for the info! :cheers:/>/>

so best HEAVY weaponry for a single TER seems to be 2/3 M-117 bombs for the Vietnam War (F-4B/C/D/E/J/N) and 2/3 SUU-30B/B canisters for the Yom Kippur War (F-4E IDF)

I was wondering if the Tac Scale (CAM) rack has the same problem of the Cutting Edge one...

I'll be posting a review on SUU-30s soon.

great! thanks again

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