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1/48 F-15C 67th FS

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The only critique is it's in the wrong forum, should be in the Display case, thar ain't nuthin wrong with this build...at all. The contrast between the grays is superb ;) .

Edited by #1 Greywolf
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Beautiful build! Very nice colors and finish. My only concern is the position of the intakes. I have the feeling that when the engines are not running the intakes are in the up position. The AIC – Air Inlet Controller works only when the engines are running.

Yes, you are right about the intakes, but I'm been asked to build them so.

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Looks great. How did you like the kit? Any fit or other types of problems? Also, which paints and colors did you use?

Thanks Ken,

in my opinion the GWH is really Tamiya quality!

The only issue is the ejection seat (too big); I did use a mix of Gunze and Tamiya acryls for painting.

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From someone who had the blessing from GOD himself to watch the 125th fly over the house this weekend before buzzing Everbank Field for the Jags game...

I love it.

BTW the flyover was awesome. Best thing that happened at that field all day long!


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Is it normal for the ailerons to droop down? I didn't think that the F-15C, especially on with a 1985 tail number was a fly-by-wire aircraft. Which if it was, I could understand the droop. I would think, that if one aileron was down, the other should be up...right?

On the FBW aircraft I've worked on, when power is removed from the aircraft, all the control surfaces droop. On conventional, mechanical linkage aircraft that is not the case.

Please advise...

EDIT: After some researching...I was surprised to see that they do droop while sitting static! Learn something new everyday!

Edited by SteveV22FE
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Congratulations! It does look like a real thing, and the colors are spot on. What paints you have used? The only thing that I would do differently, is the weathering on the stabs (both vertical and horizontal) - streaking looks a tad to strong to me. But again, overall presentation is superb. :worship:

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One thing I have a question on are the squadron markings. The 67th did have a red tail band when they first got the F-15s and all three of the squadrons assigned to Kadena used the same system but with their own squadron/s color. When the 18th was invited to play at the William Tell competition in the early 80s the team adopted the Shogun emblem, which was later painted on every Eagle on the base. :



The style of "ZZ" tail code you show didn't begin to show up until 1986. I saw it on a "D" outfitted with two pylon tanks and a 119 pod centerline as well as the aircraft designated for the 313th Air Division Commander. I just don't remember them going back to a single color band.

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