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What is a Proper VF-31 OIF Layout

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Depends on which OIF...

The Phoenix was retired in 2004 if memory serves.

During OIF 2 and 3, VF-31 mostly flew GBU-38 JDAM. The smaller ones.

Fightertown had a good description of the load out on one of their sheets, but I am away from my stay today, so can't dig it out.

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I would load it with a Pair of GBU-12's on the front pallets and a pair of AIM-9's on the missile rail. A LANTIRN pod on the lower right side glove pylon and leave the left side empty. If you wanted you could switch it up a bit by putting a 2000lb JDAM on the Front left pallet a GBU-12 on the right side and a GBU-12 on the Right rear pallet. According to Osprey Book on F-14's In Iraqi Freedom GBU-12's were the preferred load on F-14's. "VF-21 dropped no fewer than 161 of the 464 dropped by all of CVW-14's 4 TACAIR units"..

I also read that mission markings on VF-31 did not differentiate between LGB's or JDAMS dropped so its harder to tell for their jets...

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I remember reading somewhere that two JDAMs (not sure which kind) could not be carried at the same time on the front phoenix pallets but I can't remember the details. Am I remembering this right? I saw a few pictures that tell me otherwise, so I wanted to check with you guys. I think it had to do with physical interference, so it may be about larger JDAMs.

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read it in the Osprey book. The pilot talked of mixed loads...JDAMs and LGB's. he may have meant a pair of a/c with a load of each but I took it as a single a/c with 1 of each...

Edited by viper730
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I remember reading somewhere that two JDAMs (not sure which kind) could not be carried at the same time on the front phoenix pallets but I can't remember the details. Am I remembering this right? I saw a few pictures that tell me otherwise, so I wanted to check with you guys. I think it had to do with physical interference, so it may be about larger JDAMs.

2x GBU-31 could be carried side by side. It was the GBU-24 that had the restrictions.

Edited by Neeko
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I modelled my "100" black tailed vf-31 jet with a mixed loadout of one jdam and a LGB.

I believe it was more common as it meant being able to drop ordanance whatever the weather or target. Laser guided bombs couldnt be used depending on cloud cover as laser wouldnt penetrate. Jdams being satelite guided could still be used but werent as good at hitting moving targets.

A great reference book that i got this from was the osprey book tomcat squadrons of OIF.

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GBU-38 was only every flown on VF-31 last cruise.

B/D Tomcats could carry 4 GBU-31 though the most carried in the fleet was 3 by VF-2 at the beginning (technically before) the launch of OIF.

Edited by Brian P: Fightertown Decals
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