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How much do you like your Tim Horten's coffee

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So reading the news while I eat my lunch and ran across this article


Really? Now facing charges and a criminal record over a need for a cup of coffee. I always said that TH was addicting and now I wonder if this proves it :rofl: :rofl:. Probably caught him before he made a sandwich too :D

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I liked it...not enough to break in but hey :) !

Being from the northeastern U.S., Dunkin' Donuts is the coffee of choice, but when I lived up in Maine there was a Tim Horten's nearby that we'd hit up often, it was better than DD!

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Thanks for the link and laugh. Love my Tim's. We have quite a few here in Michigan and I really enjoy their stuff. I used to live in Mass, and Dunkin was king there, we just had one open in my town here in MI. So I have the best of both worlds now!

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OK, I'm pure Canadian, but I've never found what so many people are wound up about at TH. Maybe it's a genetic thing, maybe my citizenship will be revoked, but I have better coffee at home every morning. If I grab a coffee outside somewhere, Tim's is probably my last choice. Over the years I've tried again and again and no magic. Understand Tim..... It's not you, it's me.


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Krispy Kreme is as close as I ever got.Only left the "country" once to

go to Vegas, had Krispy Kreme, then flew back to Ma and back to DD.

Am now in Fl, where does one go to find Tim's coffee? Orlando or Miami maybe?---John

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OK, I'm pure Canadian, but I've never found what so many people are wound up about at TH. Maybe it's a genetic thing, maybe my citizenship will be revoked, but I have better coffee at home every morning. If I grab a coffee outside somewhere, Tim's is probably my last choice. Over the years I've tried again and again and no magic. Understand Tim..... It's not you, it's me.


Heretic!!! Burn the heretic!!! :rofl:

The force is strong in this one.....it seems the Jedi mind tricks don't work on him.

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I'd say he was drunk to try that stunt.

Coming from South Australia where iced coffee is king (it outsells Coca Cola), myself and a mate found at least Tim Horten's at least made 'drinkable' iced coffee, particularly their store in Yellowknife.

Although we were there in 2013, still talk about wishing we could drop into Tim Horten's.

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I like my Tims coffee...it's our usual buy at work. Starbucks just costs too much....and I still don't get the cup sizes. As for the poofy drinks...they are not for me.....I take mine pure just black and the dark roast.

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Ever since McDonalds changed to their new coffee I have been doing that. Although having said that I do go to TH with other friends who prefer that.

Tha McDonalds coffee is really good now and from what I hear has cut into Timmies strangle hold on the coffee crowd. Also, at McDonalds refills are free, at least during breakfast :)/>

Edited by skyhawk174
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DD's straight coffee does taste horrible. I will get pumpkin or caramel in it instead of just their base coffee.

Will be enjoying some TH tomorrow at the Michigan football game. Should be low 40s by the second half so it'll be perfect for a giant souvenir mug of coffee!

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I always thought Timmie's coffee was kind of weak. It's better now that they are owned by Burger King. DD's is better, too, but I usually go for someplace that's got Green Mountain Coffee Roasters stuff.

I live up in New England now, but my first experience with DD was a long time ago on a bike trip that ended up in Boston. I'm a plain, black, hot and strong coffee drinker and I stopped at my first ever DD and asked for coffee. The waitress, order taker or whatever you call her asked if I wanted the coffee "regular". I hadn't heard that term before and unfortunately assumed without asking clarification that "regular" meant "unadulterated". What I got in my cup was more cream and sugar with coffee in it than coffee with cream and sugar! Undrinkable! I now know to specifically order "PLAIN, BLACK - no cream or sugar!" I even do that in the rare occasions I go into the land of soy latte frapicinno with organic cinnamon. Although an occasional after-dinner espresso with maybe a tiny bit of sugar is okay.

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Ignoring individual coffee tastes, the main reason that Tim Horton's has been so popular in Canada is that it's CHEAP! If I go into a Starbuck's and buy my wife and I a medium plain coffee, it's about $5.50 Cdn. At Tim Horton's, it's slightly over $3 and I can get a muffin or other small food item for half of what Starbucks charges. If you want a couple of Latte's at Starbucks you could have a full meal at McDonald's for the same price. While I'm bashing Starbuck's, when did a small cup of coffee become a "Tall" and a medium cup a "Grande"? :soapbox:

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Tim's have started to open in the St Louis, MO. area ...


They are in Ohio, an ex-Toronto Raptor player has opened them.

Whenever I was in Indy for training I'd drive to the border to buy Timmies for my classmates. It was only a 30 minute drive.

Whenever I visited the NMUSAF in Dayton I'd stop at several Timmies too.

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Ignoring individual coffee tastes, the main reason that Tim Horton's has been so popular in Canada is that it's CHEAP! If I go into a Starbuck's and buy my wife and I a medium plain coffee, it's about $5.50 Cdn. At Tim Horton's, it's slightly over $3 and I can get a muffin or other small food item for half of what Starbucks charges. If you want a couple of Latte's at Starbucks you could have a full meal at McDonald's for the same price. While I'm bashing Starbuck's, when did a small cup of coffee become a "Tall" and a medium cup a "Grande"? :soapbox:/>

That's not the reason, it's because Tim was a hockey player. One of my friends sisters works for a Tim's research lab. They put mustard seeds in their blend to help addict us. I am sure they all do something like this.

I agree with Chris, the new McDonalds blend is better.

When I was stationed in Kingston I used to go to the original Tim Hortons for coffee on Saturday mornings, It was just a greasy spoon at the time. The walls were covered in hockey pictures. During a recent visit to Kingston in 2009, it was no longer there. 😟

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