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FA-18E panel screens while taxiing

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Hi Folks,

I am trying to build an F/A-18E into taxi configuration. While it is taxiing, will the screens on the instrument panel all be black or colorful (as the following picture shows)?


Especially, will the map screen (the one at the bottom) be so colorful as the following picture when the aircraft is taxiing (although this picture is from FA-18D but it is similar to an FA-18E's)?


Thank you very much!


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The screens would definitely be all illuminated. The likely displays would be more like the upper photo (stores management and radar), and the lower display would be the digital moving map like your F/A-18D lower display is showing. The targeting displays on the F/A-18D picture would only be available in-flight (because the targeting pod would not be locked onto something and showing terrain on the right-hand radar/attack display).


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The screens would definitely be all illuminated. The likely displays would be more like the upper photo (stores management and radar), and the lower display would be the digital moving map like your F/A-18D lower display is showing. The targeting displays on the F/A-18D picture would only be available in-flight (because the targeting pod would not be locked onto something and showing terrain on the right-hand radar/attack display).


Thank you for these information! You saved my day.

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