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Remove before flight tags

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Dear All,

I am building an Eduard F16 MLU, it is the first time that I want to attach photo etch remove before flight tags on the kit. Would like to have some useful tips on how to do this. Especially what to use to attach the tag to the point of contact i.e. a thin wire or directly? Which glue would be the best?

Thanks to advance.

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FYI, you can go to ARC's Home Page. Go up to the top and click on Tools-n'-Tips. Scroll down and click on the post for "Remove Before Flight Tags." The post is about making and attaching RBF tags to British Aircraft. The author also mentions that his method can also be used for U.S. aircraft. You may want to read it. Maybe you can get the info that you are looking for. Good Luck!!!

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You can pull out strands of electrical wire from an insulated wire out of a small electronic gadget and use pieces of those. Eyeball twice the length you would need for each RBF, cut to that length, loop through the hole on the tag, and bend it in half. Then you can gently twist the two loose ends of the strand to secure the tag on the strand, shorten as necessary. I use Krystal Klear (spelling?) to attach them and that worked just fine as the whole thing is so lightweight. The details are not visible, but this is what I used on a recent phantom:


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