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Mk-82 extended percussion rods

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I am doing a Marine F4-B Phantom and would like to know the color (or possible colors) of the long percussion rod on these bombs. I have seen photos where they are olive drab and one reference source shows them to be flat black. Is the latter possible?



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Do you mean the fuze extenders? I have never heard of "extended percussion rods". I suspect you mean the long rods that come out of the front of the Mk 82 bombs. These are fuze extenders, which allow the bomb to detonate before hitting the ground, increasing the sideways blast effect. They were also called "daisy cutters."

Pics I have seen show them olive drab, with a silver fuze at the front (the little fan that spins after weapon release, and after a certain number of turns the explosive train is armed). Have never seen the black ones you mention.


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