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modification RAH-66 Comanche

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As the topic says, I bougth a Comanche Italeri 1/72 (my first plane/helicopter and my 3rd model), and with the reference pics that I have, I ocnclude that the Italeri was not authentic at all ... So, I would try to made it the more authentic possible ... But I don't know what need to be remove or add ...

I saw these but I'm not sure, so if you could help me ...

The panel here need to be fill with putty, I didn't saw this opening in my pics but it's not really clear on the pic


I also need to turn the sensor ( I think ) to look the cockpit and putty it ... and also the other thing paint in read in this picture need to be fill ...


I need some confimation before starting the filling because I don't want to made mistake and if anyone saw other thing need to been made ....

I took the pic from this site ... If you want to look for the model complete to compare it to the ref pic ...

Comanche Italeri 1/72


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In overall configuration, the Italeri kit represents the first flight prototype, less the sighting systems/armament and plus flight test equipment. The configuration changed over a long and ultimately futile development effort and was to further change in production. The tail marking decals are bogus - the first aircraft had a serial number of 94-0327.

The slots in the upper aft fuselage are part of the exhaust signature suppression system - they bring in ambient air to mix with the engine exhaust which flows out through the long downward facing slots running along the middle of the aft fuselage.

I suggest that you build the kit out of the box to the instructions except for the following from my construction notes:

- The aft cockpit bulkhead should angle aft: use the fuselage side as a guide.

- I added a bulkhead behind the front gunners seat and filled in the seat headrests.

- The aft end of the gun needed to be trimmed a bit to insure that it fit in the turret properly.

- You can install the tail fan after the fuselage halves are assembled and painted, which makes painting a lot easier.

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The three-view is public information from a Boeing Sikorsky data sheet handout dated December 2002. My understanding is that the original first flight aircraft flew with this tail configuration and a dummy mast head radar in December 2000. Note that it has a slightly different canopy frame. Also, the side view doesn't show the gun because it was to be stowed in the fairing behind the turret. The first production aircraft was in the jigs when the program was canceled in early 2004. I don't know if the tail that it was supposed to have looked like this.


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First of all, thanks again!!

AFAIK, that tail configuration was the one that Sikorsky was moving forward with. I have many photos of the prototype in this configuration, but this is the first time that I have seen decent drawings of the tail mods and radome. I hadn't noticed the change to the canopy framing in the photos....I'll have to see if I missed it while fixating on the other details. :D Also, some of the photos I have appeared to show that the horizontal stab had been reshaped, and it's good to have confirmation that it wasn't changed.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey All,

For a very short time the Commanche was at the Army Aviation Museum here at Ft Rucker, AL. They have since taken it away for some further work before it is returned here and put on perment display. When it does get back I will do my best to get a good walkaround on it.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Heh heh heh....

Keith, from what I hear, it'll be at least a year before the Comanche comes back. Its up in Huntsville undergoing a bunch of testing for NASA. I'm gonna try to get up there at some point to see it. Gonna talk to the museum's director about that on Monday.

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