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Trumpeter´s Su-27 Flanker in 1/32

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Hello there everybody,

I´m not a member of these forums for such a long time :banana: , but I thought it might be interesting to start an in-progress documentation of my new build (quess what - it´s another Flanker). I hope you don´t get annoyed with it, as several people are doing the same thing right now. I´m starting with the cockpit set of Aires and will, later, use it together with Zactoman´s canopy parts (in this place again, I have to say that this Kit is really superb and exceeds even the LOD that is provided by Aires parts :o ) and so on.

I haven´t planned much of the further progress and I might take some time to get there as this is my second build after a time-out of seven years. Also previously I had never worked with resin or photoetched parts. So a lot of things are still quite new to me...

I hope you enjoy what I bring up...

Greetings :)

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Here is the K36 Ejection Seat out of the Aires cockpit set in its current state. Maybe it wasn´t the best idea to start with this part because I´ll only "use" it much later but I couldn´t really help it - it´s too beautiful so I had to do it once it was out of the box. As reference I used some pics of a ukrainian Su-27 and other pics which can be found in these forums. My build will definitely be a russian bird, so there might be differences between russian or ukrainian K36s. This was really hard to figure out as most pics don´t really show the colors of the belts and the rear or even the plane ID but I think it also works out like this.

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Hey! Attachments do work! :D :wave:

I believe the belts were folded incorrectly though but this is only an interpretation :D . I´ll have to take care of some minor issues still, first of all ageing effects and maybe some other stuff... See you soon (with the instruments panel and the tub)

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It's a really Ukrainian seat :D

I would say make it in Ukrainian markings :)

Hm, yeah you´re right... I would if I hadn´t spent about 50$ on getting the Linden Hill Flankers on Patrol 2 and the Stencil Sheet. :wave: They were quite hard to get and they look too good so I think I´ll end up with this litte (?) incompatibillity :D Hope you dot mind but when I was painting the seat I wasn´t aware that the pictures were actually taken from a ukrainian bird because the rest of the cockpit looks just alike...

By the way: Are there any decals for ukrainian markings available as aftermarket or so? (just in case...)

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WOW! :o

Terrific job on that K-36, upupandaway :cheers: . I know how difficult those straps are and you've done a fine job Sir. Excellent work.

I'm really looking forward to more updates on this thread. We can't get enough of these big Flankers... :D

Welcome to Flankerville, A.R.C. :D


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Hello again,

I´ve come to finish the Aires instruments panel today and I´ve airbrushed the tub, but that´s nothing worth posting yet. It was really an awful job doing the white marking around the instruments - even with my finest 0000-brush and a magnifiying glass. At first I tried to mask it - I gave up after about 2 minutes. I´m sorry that I can´t get a bigger image on the photo but from any closer distance my digicam won´t get a focus...

There goes my weekend...

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(quess what - it´s another Flanker). I hope you don´t get annoyed with it, as several people are doing the same thing right now.

Welcome to the party! :unsure:

How could anybody be annoyed by too many Flanker builds?

I'm loving it! :cheers:

Looking very nice so far...Looking forward to more!

Chris :rolleyes:

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So here are a few more pics of my little Su 27 (nothing fancy at all but I´m happy to achieve at elast some progress). I´ve cut the Zactomodels canopy so far and separated it (not seen on the photo), mounted the IRST and the Aires rear of the cockpit and I´ve finished the frame for the canopy.

Here are a few photos:

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So here´s the upper fuselage with the new IRST and the Aires cockpit part - all ready for the tub to be mounted once it´s done...

Everythings gooing quite slow but I´m hoping to be able to present you the munted cockpit tub and all the other stuff soon... :thumbsup:

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Yep, that´s right.

When the IRST came out of the box, it was already a bit loose so I cut it off. Sure the part is very thin in this place - I just didn´t lilke the thought of losing it to my ever hungry carpet monster. I´ll put it back in place when the canopy front is ready.

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