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Bill B

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About Bill B

  • Rank
    Rivet Counter
  • Birthday 05/30/1960

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  • Location
    Woodville Ontario Canada
  • Interests
    Airplanes, airplanes, airplanes and airplanes.
  1. The new-ish Airfix kit. A wonderful kit. The only gripes are that some parts were a little warped needing clamping, the wing trailing edges are a bit thick and no swastikas. The paints are a home made mix of Gunze and Tamiya. I think the RLM76 is not quite blue enough and the mottles are a little small/light. I'm not too worried as I wanted a quick and simple build to distract me from a very complicated one in progress. The stand is simply brass wire attached to a wood disc from the craft store. Comments welcome. BB.
  2. Thanks, Yes maybe it should be a hard - demarcation line between the green and earth but almost always I spray freehand to save time and myself some hassle. Cheers, Bill
  3. The new Airfix kit. Brilliant. Will be in an upcoming review for Scale Aviation Modeller International.
  4. The Italeri's nose has been criticized for its shape. Also the engraving on this kit is very refined. HB has already announced the other versions are coming. BB
  5. A nice kit but not without some minor faults. It was made for a short review in an upcoming Scale Aviation Modeller International. BB
  6. a 3-day quick build. OOB with kit decals but a home-made stand. My first attempt at brush painting camo in about 20 years. Tamiya paints. Comments welcome. Cheers, BB
  7. This is the Eduard Limited Edition kit. Zvesda plastic plus Eduard etch and decals. A full build article will appear in an upcoming Model Aircraft. Nav lights were added after these photos. Comments welcome. Thanks for looking. Bill B.
  8. I double checked the instructions and the illustrations are correct but I can't confirm if the part numbers on the sprue were right or not since I don't have the sprues any more. Most likely it was all my fault. Any way it's fixed now. Thanks for commenting!
  9. I think you're right. I just checked a couple of photos of the real beast and it does look like these are backwards. It might be me and not the instructions I will check later. Thanks for pointing it out.
  10. From the Hobby Boss kit. It will be in the reviews section of Scale Aviation Modeller International soon.Comments welcome.
  11. I decided to do this kit "presentation" style and the bonus is it takes up less floor space in the cabinet. The connector on the bottom of the airplane is a "mini" ball joint from RC spare parts, soldered to brass wire and glued to a small base. The kit is real sweet for $10CDN. Despite others' comments the canopy worked fine. The only thing I had to add was stretched sprue "seams" around the drop tanks. It was painted with Alclad dull aluminum on the wings, chrome and aluminum on fuselage. I painted all of the red and used kit decals. The only "miss' in the kit is the decal instructions
  12. Thanks for posting the pics !! There were over 500 models at the show and I think you got most of them (if not all). I now get to see a few that I missed seeing at the show. I don't know how I missed the Buffalo Airways C47! PS I built that "Sound Action" Zero and I see a lot of people got a kick out of it. I'll try to bring it out again in the future. Thanks again!
  13. Finished yesterday. Nice kit but the rivets had to go!
  14. just finished - great kit! Tamiya paints.
  15. I received a test shot of the new kit from Tamiya Canada / Borgfeldt a few days ago. It is complete plastic but no decals, no masks, no paint diagrams or box. The instructions are a photocopy and have no paint instructions. The plastic looks first quality so maybe this is mor like an "early production" kit. Any way here is the beginning of the interior. All "interior" parts painted, dry brushed and wash applied. The cockpit parts. I do not have the decals for the instruments so these were hand painted. The dials have Future in them but I will add Kristal Klear before assembly. My limit
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