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About Janissary

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  1. Thank you Niels. First, I misspoke when I said AGM-65E, it should have been the G version of the Maverick I am interested in. I may have been confusing in my first message, but I was wondering if part # 6 on the MMJ sprue is in fact the LAU-117 rail. I know that sprue is in the Meng F-4E box and I have the digital instruction sheet. But the instructions only call for the triple launcher for the Mavericks, and, unless I totally missed it, it never calls out MMJ-6 anywhere. I suspect what we are seeing in the sprue is indeed the 117 rail, but I could not be sure as it i
  2. Hi, this is about the E and not the G, and I did not want to start a new thread, but does the Meng F-4E contain Maverick's launcher LAU-117? Please see here: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235133483-f-4e-phantom-ii-ls-017-148/ and specifically this photo: In this photo, the first gray sprue on the left, part number 6. Is this the LAU-117? I am planning to build an F-4E that carries a single AGM-65E. I will be using the kit's pylons. Am I all set with the 117, or do I need to get it aftermarket? I know ResKit ma
  3. That was incredible, thank you for putting together such a clear step-by-step. Even those how-to pics are awe inspiring. Everything looks so extraordinarily clean. If you get a chance in the next months, would you be willing to do something like this for a scratch built component too? The ECM pod, for instance, was out of this world. How those custom pieces were cut, shaped, glued etc. is beyond me. Anyway, only if you get a chance; I don't want to detract you from your main build. Thanks for all the work. It is clearly visible.
  4. Simply incredible! I still cannot understand how your scratch-built pieces look so precisely shaped. It's as if you make no mistakes and everything looks tidy and square. Perhaps more astoundingly, there is no trace of liquid cement or CA anywhere. Could you explain how you manage to keep the gluing so clean? I guess with CA I understand you sand it and I think use Novus to buff it all up, but how about styrene pieces that meet at an angle creating concave seams (hard to reach with anything)? How do you keep those joints so clean? Also, how do you manage to keep your cutting and s
  5. I slightly edited the topic, to make it clear that the pylons I am looking for are usually not used if you are attaching the wing drop tanks.
  6. Hello all, I am hoping to find a pair of canted outer wing pylons (to load ordnance). These can be found in both the 1/48 ZM F-4E or the F-4G kits. If you used or plan to use the wing drop tanks in your model, these pylons might be in your spares box, as the drop tanks and the canted pylons are different. Part numbers are: - Pylons: S5, S6, S11, S12 - Sway braces: S15 (four of these) This is probably a long shot, but I am also looking for the following pod: AN/ASQ-153 Pave Spike from the Hasegawa weapons set B: https://www.scalemates.c
  7. Hi, I built the GWH Mig-29 9.13 and just took a look at the nozzles. I see that the nozzles are canted slightly outward (à la Gabor's post). But they are also pointing downward a bit when viewed from the side in the physical model. So when all said and done, I see my physical model to match very well to GWH's own instructions shown here: https://www.scalemates.com/products/img/5/3/0/180530-76-instructions.pdf Here are some pics from my build in case you find it useful: http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/297041-148-gwh-mig-29-913/ Curt: One
  8. Looks fabulous! Can't wait for the next steps.
  9. Incredible build. Just layers upon layers of excellence.
  10. Thanks a lot! Like you said, painting and weathering are the most exciting steps for me in any build, and I look at every model to try out new things. With three kids. my pace has taken a major hit, but still trying to find time here and there. My next build will be a J-10C and I will be building it for someone else as a gift. To my slight disappointment, my friend wants it extremely clean which is how today's J-10s tend to be maintained. While that should result in a faster build, I fear it is going to be a bit boring to look at. Hope to share the progress pics here once I make m
  11. Thank you Kursad, that's great to know! A few fellow modelers on FB said the same thing. I will cross that off the list. Thank you!
  12. Thank you Scoob, Rich. Here are the final photos. Rather than start a critique corner entry, I've decided to post everything here. So this is a CF-104 from the Diyarbakir 8. AJU around the 1980s. It was a surprisingly enjoyable build, with a reasonable number of parts, good fit, and good surface detail. The MLG legs were a bit fiddly compared to the rest, but no major complaints. If you plan to build this kit, beware of the wing tank alignment. The horizontal winglets should be aligned with the main wings but if you don’t take the time to adjust (sanding, carving etc.), the tanks
  13. I totally see what you mean, makes a lot of sense. Thank you very much. Awesome photos and memories that go with them. Reminds me of me and my dad perching outside of the Eskisehir AFB watching Saratoga F-14s, A-6s and F-18s rolling down the runway at the age of 13. Here are a few more shots before I take the final photos.
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