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About Els

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    Step away from the computer!
  • Birthday 07/20/1966

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  1. I just happened to see a new post on this when I was scrolling down to see if the F-16 group build had been added. Quite a blast from the past. I bought this from Jimmy Flintstone. https://jimmyflintstonestudios.com/JFN185--Wild-Bill_p_585.html If the link doesn't work just google JImmy Flintstone and you will see his store. These shift knobs are great value for the money. Els
  2. That turned out nice. The old classic Enterprise in gray is cool but I am a big fan of the newer darker colors with the aztec. It is always good to see several ships of the same scale together.
  3. This new update to the site sucks. I had to go through ggl chrome to be able to post a reply. I uploaded the pics the same way I have been doing it for a couple of years now, when I have a little time later I will try your suggestion Dutch. I guess the new update is not compatible with windows internet because everything is all jumbled together when I try to use that.
  4. I had a few kits going that all seemed to finish about the same time. The first one was a truck model. I like having trucks on the shelf but I just don't enjoy building them. About every 5 years I try another one and about half way through I know that I still don't like building them. The next was a 1:72 Heller kit that I bought at a kit auction that my local modelling club had a few years ago. It cost me a dollar and it it had been sitting on the shelf long enough. The date on this kit was 1987 and the decals were still good and the kit went togethe
  5. Da SWO, did you have any injuries other than the results of your flight? We have a lot of lightning here in central Florida and I have heard about a full gambit of injuries from lightning strikes. A couple of years ago lightning hit right outside my house. It fried out all the electronic devices down that side of my house. All TV's, DVD players, my cable box and router and most devastating was all the kids gaming systems. I was able to witness all the stages of grief and then several days of them driving my crazy because apparently there is nothing else in the world to do.
  6. Wow, that looks suprisingly awesome in black. I had never been interested in this show until I recently bought a ROKU and it had the series on one of the free channels that came with that. I am really enjoying the show and am about half way through the first season. The panels/markings that you picked out in grays and the metal on the engines really makes it pop. The red of the cockpit also goes well with the black. Great build.
  7. I live about an hour away and can't decide if I want to drive out to see it. I can usually see the rockets from my house but I really want to get closer for this one. It doesn't look good for the weather though. Right now outside my house it is windy, rainy and lots of thunder. Hopefully it clears...
  8. Hasegawa 1:48 Shinden. Easy kit to build but the decals were old and rough. Shinden by Hal Elsberry, on Flickr
  9. Els

    An NX and a D7

    Thanks guys. Ikar, everything on the NX came in the box. It is a pretty good kit, it gives you the parts to build the NX-01 and the NX refit. It also gives you decals for the NX-01, refit, the mirror universe NX and another (NX-02 or 09???) If you use the discount code at Michaels it was only about $14 for the kit. I will probably pick up a couple more after this virus mess settles down so that I can build the refit and the Mirror Universe versions.
  10. I was wandering around my local Michael's about a month ago and decided to check and see if they still had the same 11 kits on the shelf that they have been selling for the past 5 five years when to my surprise I found that they had the 1:1000 Star Trek NX-01 kit. I have been wanting one of these for a while so a discount code later and it was on its way home with me. It is a nice little kit and has several options to build. I decided to go a little different with the paint. Instead of aztecing it I just mottled different metallic shades over it. I found a cool picture of a planet on the
  11. Hello all, This is the Hasegawa 1:72 kit. I have never watched an episode of the show but I have always liked the way these look. I know that these are supposed to be painted white but I wanted to build mine in grey, more like modern Naval aircraft. I bought this kit as a bundle with a photo etch set. I didn't use much of the photo etch though because it was for a different version of this vehicle. Since I wanted it in flight I bought a cheap wood plaque. The skull and crossbones is one of those stick on car accessories from Wallyworld. It was a nice little kit and I barely had to
  12. After reading Dana Bell's article I was very surprised to learn how much stuff is missing from the National Archives. Mr Bell was only looking at a very small section of items and how many of those were missing? Extend that average out to vast quantity of items in the archives and the total of missing items must be incredible. Very sad that those irreplaceable items may be just walking out the door and will probably be lost forever.
  13. This web site has a lot of cool pictures of aircraft that were tested out at Dryden, it goes all the way back to the 40's. Sorry if this has been posted before. Dryden Pics Els
  14. Els

    Grey Hybrid

    Yesterday I had some leftover putty from another project so I decided to start fairing in the eyes and roughing out the head size. 04 by Hal Elsberry, on Flickr I gotta get working on this, September is right around the corner and I still have a few "Ain't real" projects I would like to work on. Els
  15. Els

    Grey Hybrid

    I was pretty excited to get started on this project but now that I am working on it, it's not really keeping my attention the way I thought it would. I chopped the top of the head off and put a couple of coats of epoxy in it to stop it from flexing every time I touched it. Some wooden half ovals were bought to use for the eyes. I put several coats of filler primer spray paint on them to smooth them out and hit them with some silver spray paint. Then I super glued them together in the shape I will use for the eyes. 03 by Hal Elsberry, on Flickr Els
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