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David Porter

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About David Porter

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    Glue Required
  1. Hi All, I am doing a conversion from Tamiya's 1/32 F-15E into an F-15I Ra'am and am wondering if the Israeli's ever changed over from the 30 LANTIRN pods (AN/AAQ-14) that they bought to the new AN/AAQ-28 Litening pod which to the IAF would be indigenous. I have found some brief mention that this was being tested but cannot seem to find any evidence that they ever mounted that pod on the Ra'am. Anyone have an answer to this? Cheers, David.
  2. Yeah I think that i am going to skip on the HOBOS. It is a cool looking bomb (if bombs can look cool). I will probably just go for a full load of Mk-82s, snakeyes, CBUs and a couple of Mavericks. I am not planning on using the kit weapons as the ones in the box look awful and I have plenty of weapons left over in the spares box for previous Academy and Tamiya kits in this scale. Depending on how it looks though I might just replace a couple of the slicks with GBU-10s if it looks cool. Thanks very much guys.
  3. Yep that's all i could see in the photos. I am not concerned about being super accurate. I am Ok with configuring it with a live bomb load, I just want to avoid using ordance that is unsuitable - such as the HOBOS. The GBU-8 appears in almost every model kit of the aircraft I just haven't seen it loaded beyond the initial trials of the aircraft.
  4. Thanks for that. This ism definately helpful!
  5. Well it'a pre-Laste and the only picture that I have of the aircraft lists it as 1989. It's from Don Logan's Pictorial history book of the A-10. It lists it as 1989 but in the book its attenting the Century Independence 89 event. In the photo all it is carrying is a Maverick training round and a pilot's luggage pod but I wanted to kit it out with a decent set of ordnance. I liked the look of the HOBOS bomb but the more I thought about it the less conceivable it became that it was carrying it.
  6. Cool! Thanks for your advice. I have seen pictures of the A-10 carrying the HOBOS, but it seems that they are from very early on - as in prototype testing etc. They usually have a GBU-10 and a HOBOS mounted. I haven't seen any pictures of A-10's carrying HOBOS bombs after this period though, which is interesting as nearly every model kit of the A-10 has the HOBOS bomb in it. So I can replace the Mk-82Air with a Snakeeye that is easy enough. What would a more appropriate load to go with though (I appreciate that this would be mission dependent), maybe just load it up with cluster bombs and Mk-8
  7. Hi all, I am starting on the 1/32 Trumpeter A-10 and am putting together the weapons load first, rather than starting with the cockpit. I am curious as to when the GBU-8 HOBOS bomb was carried on the A-10. I am going to model a pre-LASTE Hog circa 1989 'Norris the Playhog' and was planning on fitting out the aircraft with 2 x AIM-9L, 1x ALQ-131, 1x Mk-82, 1x Mk-82 AIR, 1x Rockeye, 1x CBU-52 and 1x GBU-10 and also a HOBOS bomb. However if the HOBOS was retired by this time the might consider replacing the big 2000lb bombs with GBU-12's. Anyone with knowledge of these weapons or A-10 loadouts
  8. Perhaps I was shooting it at to high a pressure. That seems to be the most plausible scenario because I cleaned the surface with Windex etc. I'll try reducing it somewhat nexttime. I don't believe that the Alclad primer needs thinning but can be used straight out of the bottle.
  9. I'll give this a go. This might work better than using a varnished table. Thanks.
  10. All good advice. I normally use the Tamiya Primer straight out of the rattlecan. I cleaned the surface with Windex and also washed it with basic detergent but mostly windex.This normally works Ok. It is only in little spots. Possibly the issue is that the pressure was to high when I fired the Alclad Primer out of the airbrush. Not much I can do about it now.
  11. Well it is actually the Alclad primer that I have used not the alclad paints as such. If I used Mr Surfacer there would not be any need for the primer. I have used post-it notes for a few small items. That works more or less but for the stripes and such it would not work effectively.
  12. Well it is actually the Alclad primer that I have used not the alclad paints as such. If I used Mr Surfacer there would not be any need for the primer. I have used post-it notes for a few small items. That works more or less but for the stripies and such it would work so well.
  13. Hello all, I have been modelling for 20 years but for some reason my lastest model is making me feel like a complete noob. It is forcing me the reevaluate the basics of model building. I have had problems with using decal solution dissolving the future finish that is used prior to the decalling. I have left the future about a week to set but the length of time does not seem to matter. I have heard some people say that the fogging goes away but that was not my experience. The decals solutions I am using are Mr Mark Softer and the Micro Set/Sol solutions. Has anyone had any experience with t
  14. I have created a little problem for myself whereby the Alclad Primer did not adhere to the surface of the model properly. Why this is I do not know. it is the first time that I have used the stuff and it hasn't worked properly. The Mr Color paints does adhere to the surface so I have managed to touch up the model that way however when I tape over the surface of the model using Tamiya masking tape it is lifting the paint right back to the plastic surface. I still need to mask a number of things on the model and so I want to minimize the amount of touch ups that I need. I have tried to stick the
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