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Mark M.

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About Mark M.

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    I dunno Brain... What do you want to do tonight?

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    Colorado, Denver area
  • Interests
    Web design, cycling, models, computer games, 3D animation, programming, movies, film/video production.

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  1. Mark M.


    I believe they were all made for Lend-Lease purposes. Keep in mind a few points: Those profiles are NOT always accurate or correct. The -M was visually very similar to other versions of the P-40 as well. Because it was BUILT for a country doesn't mean we didn't get it somehow later. My take on it is the P-40Ms in use were limited and second-hand. Many I've seen feature the RNZAF-style ID bands which makes me think they were returned, transfered, or swapped and desperate units took what they could get. The few US markings are legit, but 9 times out of 10 it's going to be a different version th
  2. I did a search and didn't find anything on this topic, so maybe folks know and maybe they don't: https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/usn-moves-to-modify-super-hornet-for-blue-angels-rol-419812/ The USN is asking Boeing to draw up the required modifications to equip the Blue Angels with Super Hornets. Among other changes include removing the internal gun, adding negative-G fuel pumps, and installing an oil pump in the tail for the blue smoke (and some other changes also). I'm.... I'm not sure how I feel about this. I think the SH is a bad fit for the Blue Angels. I think they ideally
  3. Just to clarify, here's the props when NOT spinning: http://www.flankers-site.co.uk/tu-95_files/tu-95_27.jpg It's quite the optical illusion. It's really based on old analog tech used with rolling magnetic tape around a magnetic drum head (think VCR if you don't know what I mean), and has no place in any digital-only technology. However.... it's cheap so you find it everywhere nowadays. It leads to these effects and the others posted above. I detest it. But... then... I'm a bit of a video equipment fan.
  4. I believe at maximum speeds the aircraft has a duration of only 15 minutes. 1800 mph and a given range of 450mi at full speed means about 15 minutes if I did the mental math right.
  5. Well... crap. I got logged out of the site and didn't notice. Didn't see I had a message, and now I'm the last to pick!! Well, if it's still available: Riffraff: 32) 1/72 Leading Edge '410 Squadron CF-18 RCAF 75th Anniversary Scheme' sheet #72
  6. Aaaand they can change that setting or ignore your opting out any time they want (and they will). Microsoft has changed their entire way of thinking with Windows 10. No longer is the product worth its price and the sales of the product are generating the revenue. Now, the product is your information. They will mass market and advertise directly to you based on your harvested information and trapped keys and scanned e-mails (it's what G-mail has been doing for a while now). On top of that, they are planning on making Windows a subscription that needs yearly renewals (at cost -- not for free).
  7. Mark M.

    Me-410 question

    If the parts are there, I think the answer is "yes" -- you just may need to figure out how to assemble it. The long and short of Me410 development is there is just about NO difference in the airframes from A or B to the various weapons packs. The airframe doesn't change. You have different caliber machine guns -- but this is internal and not visible. The only difference is the shape of the bomb bay "tray" (or, weapons package) and the size and type of cannon barrels protruding from the bomb bay doors.
  8. GM-1 was a very heavy and complex system and was never really operational on Bf110s of any variant. I say "never really" just to be safe in case they tested it once or twice, but as far as I can recall it was never used. GM-1 would have predated the "pig nose" -- since the Mk108s were a much much later development.
  9. You asked for "favorite" not "best," so... TIE Fighter. I loved LucasArts' TIE Fighter, and had a blast in XvT flying the TIE Fighter against even more modern, heavily shielded craft. Relying on maneuverability and piloting to avoid damage and all the while honing your shots to make every pull of the trigger count... I reckon it's akin to Sakai strapping himself into a Zero fighter in WW2 -- an extension of the self, and a tool, but not able to take much damage at all.
  10. I know this is a late reply, but I wanted to expand upon it. Technically the noses are the same dimensions, it's just an added "bump" to accommodate the Mk108 cannons on the upper surface. The presence of the 30mm cannons on the nose is very common for models -- it was the "sexy" version with all the firepower. However, the history of the ramping-up of firepower is more varied than that, and the 30mm version only came later, in late 1943 and increasingly into 1944. The early 110G models had the standard 4x MG17 7mm machine guns with 2x 20mm MG151/20s in the ventral slots. Only the ground att
  11. Out of curiousity, what's with all the trails on the inboard leading edges and the wingtips? They're clearly not that high, and clearly not going all that fast... They're clearly not pulling heavy Gs or anything. I am puzzled as to why they would show up at all.
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