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About Tiger27

  • Rank
    Git-her-done !
  • Birthday 09/09/1975

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  • Interests
    Photography, IPSC

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  1. Thats' just tits ! Did you print the decals ? and do you have any more of them ??? And more pix please :)
  2. Yea the stripes are freehand by airbrush :)
  3. This is by far the most colorfull F-5A Freedom Fighter that ever served in the Norwegian airforce. She was repainted for the NATO Tigermeet back in 1997 and retained the colorsceeme ever since. Today this jet recides at the RNoAF Museum in Bodø, Norway Scale 1/48th Kit: Kinetic Extras : Eduard photoetch, scratch, needles,pins, jammydog tape, Resin cocpit (Wolfpack). Decals , KAR-Decals (longe since discontinued). Vingtor and the scratch box. Paints from Games Workshop, Gunze and Vallejo
  4. Hi guys I'm looking for Airdocs AIRM3201 - 1/32 LUFTWAFFE F-4F PHANTOM II PART 1 - NORM 90J AIR DEFENCE CAMOUFLAGE If anyone has a spare or one for sale please let me know. I've been trawling varius online modelshops and also keep Ebay under close survalance. Also the "iron cross" and JG74 parts would help out alot.
  5. McDonell/Douglas F-4F ICE Phantom II , JG74 Bundesweer/Luftwaffe 2007. Tamiya 1/32nd scale kit. Eduard Brassin engines, Eduard photoetch, Quickboost Ejection seats and airscoop covers, Ejectionseat handles from fusewire. Own mix paints using Tamiya and Gunze acryllics, AK Metallics for the engine and rear fuslage. And the real jet (not my pic)
  6. please delete
  7. I'm calling this one finished and done. '48th scale Kinetic F-5a , aftermarket RF-5 modifications and decals from the one and only Vingtor. AK and Alclad metalizers varius other colors from the usual sources. So, this is my RF-5A, Royal Norwegian Air Force 336 recce wing. Rygge AFB , Norway, late 1970's
  8. The canopy for my F-14D in '48th has got a huge crack in it, anyone have a spare ?
  9. Ouch, that'a blunder ;) thanks for the tip ;) Lovely build, inspired me to drag mine back to the bench again. Ian. --- Coool :) It's a nice modell, I*m gettin a cupple more, wanna du a Czech one and something alittle more exotic ;) --- Very nice! I'm close to the painting stage on mine. Can you take a closeup photo of the tail? I would like to see how you did the little scoop on the right side. Were there any problems getting the canopy to stay open? I'l see what I can do. I'm outta town a cupple of weeks for work No problem on gettin the canopy to stay up, amazing what a little sup
  10. Finally got one done after a "dry spell" of a cupple of months Mig-23 MF, Trumpeteer 1/48th scale. Polish air force , 1992. This thing built up quite nice, not to much hassle and the parts fit was relativly good. Not to much to cry about at all. I just might do another one , this time from Czech airforce. Built OOB, no extras what so ever. Paints from Vallejo, Akan, Ak metalizer and Gunze.
  11. Finished build nr 2 for 2015 Trumpeter Mig-21 MF 1/48th , Polish Airforce This is the brand new Mig-21 MF from Trumpeter , highly enjoyable build, the decals are fine, although a PITA to fit all of them. there are over 100. No major fit issues, virtually no flash or ejectorpin marks I could find. There are alot of decal options for this kit in the box and as for the aftermarket out there aswell. There is a decent assortment of weapons in the box and also the details are very nice indeed. The decals for the cocpit is a waste, I just painted the thing and it looked better. Paints from
  12. We don't have a local distributor. I had to get this one off ebay to get it at all. There is one store that get's KittyHawk modells, but they are no distributor as such.
  13. I've been thinkin about it, but I don't have any Equipment for vaccuforming I'm afread.
  14. So I got the very nice lookin Gripen from KittyHawk, however the exitement was short lived . I noticed this crack in the canopy the outside surface feels smooth so I cant just fill it with future like I normally would. What you see in this picture is just a small portion of it , there is a simular crack on the other side. The front windshield is just fine though so it's just the rear part. I've emailed KittyHawk but from what people tell me i should not keep my hopes up for a response. So what do I do next. I don't wanna bin a 50 dollar modell and having a cracked canopy is not opt
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