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About bytepilot

  • Rank
    Glue Required
  • Birthday 02/02/1972

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Bangalore, India
  • Interests
    Trekking, Stamps, Fiction(esp Frederick Forsyth), PC Gaming(MOHAA, CFS) and modelling of course!
  1. Ok, here's the WIP for both the kits.. Feedback welcome !!
  2. Ok, here's the office for the Hunter.. Sabre coming up next..
  3. Thanks Thundergrunt OK, here's what the Sabre will look like: And here's what the real life Hunter looks like: For people who are interested in how the IAF Hunters were phased out, here's a link for your reading pleasure : Bharat Rakshak Website - Article on IAF Hunters Coming up with some piccies shortly of the offices for both the aircraft, completed in the last 1.5 weeks..
  4. Hello folks, Thought I'd sign up for action with a pair of jet birds. 1. Indian AF Hawker Hunter, 'Banners', Target Tug Sdn, based out of Kalaikunda AFB 2. Luftwaffe Sabre, 'Galland's Last Flight', circa 1973. Hope these are OK. I've started off on the cockpits in parallel, so I'll put up pics tonight! Regds, BP.
  5. Hello guys, I got this kit from the stash of one of my fellow modelers who passed away about 3 years back. His sister wants me to make this kit, and it is a lovely one. Problem is, there is no assembly instructions in the box; it has been misplaced. In this regard, I would like to know if somebody has the kit, or has made it in the past, and if you can send me the scans of the assembly instructions. It would be really helpful... Thanks, BP.
  6. A small update on my progress. Well, I had a shock today morning when I hopped over to the Academy distributor, and got the answer 'We no longer have any F-15D kits in stock!' Hunted around on Ebay too, but to no avail. Finally went and booked a kit on LuckyModel.com. Hopefully it should come around in the next week or two. Until then, I can get to work on the decals at least. Am also wondering if I should roll some more decals for a F-15C conversion to a F-15J. Since I already have a F-15C kit lying in wait, I guess I can start to work on that at least! And BTW, Tengu, the font that is b
  7. Wow, Tengu, You DA MAAN!! Thanks a lot for those pics, they are absolutely superb, and make my job a lot easier !! Will trawl thru some font sites on the web for the font. Or I must have it on my digital stash somewhere.. Now, on to work..hope to see you on the boards soon. Ciao, BP.
  8. Ok guys, thanks to some inputs that I got from other helpful folks on this GB, I think I'm ready to start. I've decided on making an F-15DJ, 02-8073 from Nyutabaru AB, 23rd Hikotai, 50th Anniv colors. Decals: Will pick up the Academy F-15D 1/72 kit tomorrow and start cracking. Am making the decals myself, and this is where I need some help :) ...a bigger version of this pic can also be found at Airliners.net, in a photo from Erik Sleutelberg, in case your eyesight is as bad as mine . 1. I can't read the stuff on the nose area around the painted eagle(BTW, it looks like gold paint,
  9. Hello dreammh, Dave and Kiki.o, Thanks a lot for your replies. I was also able to find a visual explanation of the tail-fin alteration on a French site. Well, now I think I need to settle down upon a paint scheme. There seem to be sooo many of them, especially for Jap Eagles!! Will take a decision on the final scheme and start off hopefully this weekend then. Ciao, BP.
  10. Hello folks, I would like to join up for the build. However, i had one major q(maybe a stupid one :o) before I start: Does a F-15C look identical to a F-15J? The reason i'm asking is- here I know an Academy dealer, and I can pick up a F-15C or D Eagle at either 1/48 or 1/72 for a cheap price and get cracking on it ASAP. I'd rather build it OOB without having to cough up extra for conversions and the like..And BTW, I"ll be making the decals myself, so that's also not much of a problem. I did do some R&D on the Net, and from what I read up, all of them seem to be pretty much saying that t
  11. Holy Cow, I actually WON :D !!!!! hOOORAY!!! Thanks a lot to the moderators for this great GB :blink: . I wish I had found the time to do a second kit, but then.. oh well, some other time maybe :)!! And thanks to Pete(Dr. Fester) for letting me know.. I'd completely forgotten about it, thanks to loads of pressure at work :) . Congratulations to all those who completed their models, and to all the winners.. ENJOY!!! Best Regards, Shekar Rao(Bytepilot).
  12. Thanks, John . The kit is a Revell 1/72, bought off Ebay. Decals done only for the checker pattern, Immelmann text and number stencils, in Photoshop. All yellow, red and white stuff painted by hand. Thanks Colin. However, it wasn't so tough. A base spray of automotive primer in white, followed up by Tamiya acrylic white on top. I actually found the painting of the German flag on the fuselage to be more tough, since I had to ensure that there was no seepage at the bulges, and I had no way of painting it up later. And thanks to the rest fo the folks for their nice comments Off I go to m
  13. Ok, here are some pics of my finished LW Phantom, from the 'Immelmann' scheme. Hope you like it !
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